AP Physics C: Mechanics [Work, Energy, & Power]

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Work Equation [Constant Force]

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Work Equation [Constant Force]

W=FΔrcosθW = F \Delta r \cos \theta
Units in Joules

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Work Equation [Non-constant Force]

W=xixfFxdxW = \int_{x_i}^{x_f} F_x dx

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Hooke’s Law

Fs=kΔxF_s = -k\Delta x
k is the spring constant, it is non-negative. K is in Nm.

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Work done by a Spring Force

WFs=ΔU=xixfFs=kxi22kxf22W_{F_s} = -\Delta U = \int_{x_i}^{x_f} F_s = \frac{{kx_i}²}{2} -\frac{{kx_f}²}{2}

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Kinetic Energy

K=12mv2K = \frac{1}{2}mv²
Units in Joules

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Potential Energy

U=mghU = mgh
Units in Joules

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Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Ei=EfE_i = E_f
Applies to systems where only conservative forces act, non-conservatives forces do not conserve energy within the system.

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Work due to Friction Force

Wfriction=ΔEW_{friction} = \Delta E

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Power Equations

Pavg=ΔWΔtP_{avg} = \frac{\Delta W}{\Delta t}
Pinst.=dWdtP_{inst.} = \frac{dW}{dt}
Units in Watts

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Power of a Constant Force

P=FvP = Fv
(dot product)

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