The universe began as a ________ _______that was infinitely hot and dense, similar to a _______ _______.
small point, black hole
The current estimate for the age of the universe is ________ years.
13.7 billion
After the Big Bang, there were two major stages in the evolution of the universe, known as the _______ and ________ eras.
Radiation, Matter
Epochs of Radiation Era
planck, GUT, Inflationary, Electroweak, Quark, Hadron, Lepton, Nuclear
Epochs of Matter Era
Atomic, Galactic, Stellar
The first era involved the creation of the four fundamental forces:
Gravity, Electromagnetic, Strong nuclear, Weak nuclear
The first era involved the creation of the first element:
The beginning of the next era is characterized by the cooling of the universe, allowing for the creation of the second element: _______.
The creation of this element allowed atomic clouds to form, and once their gravity was strong enough these clouds formed into ______, which created the rest of the elements on the periodic table.
Evidence of the Big Bang
Galaxies are moving farther apart, therefore they were close together before
Element ashes observed are proportional to the predictions using the Big Bang model
CMB, heat and light detected from the first stages of the universe
Measured Earth's Circumference
Found earth-moon distance, earth-sun distance
Believed in pure observation
Examined precise positions of the stars
Unable to detect parallax
Found procession of the equinoxes
Modern Magnitude system (bright=1st dim=6th)
Last of great astronomers of Alexandria
Hid in library of Serapeum
Created Ptolemaic Model (explained retrograde using epicycle and different)
Bad model (no universal rule, all planets were independant, too complicated)
First heliocentric model of universe (explained retrograde motion)
Orbits were circular :(
Tycho's assistant, inherited all positional data
redefined copernicus's model (eliptical orbits)
laws of planetary motion (planets move in elipse around sun)
Delivered final blow to geocentric model
Trouble with catholic church (said objects fall at same rate)
Built his own telescope (observed phases of venus, moon mountains, suspots, moons of jupiter, rings of saturn, etc.)
Roman Catholic Church put him in house arrest
began devellopement of physics and calculus
Laws of motion
in motion = remain in motion, at rest=at rest
every action has an equal and opposite reaction
Laws of gravitation (attracting force is proportional to mass, inversely proportional to distance apart)
Main types of galaxies
eliptical, lenticular, spiral (spiral, barred spiral), irregular, peculiar
When classifying galaxies, ellipticals are classified based on_________
how circular it is (circular=0, elliptical=7)
spirals are classified by _____________
how tightly thier arms are wound (a=tight, c=loose), if they have a bar or not
Components of galaxies
bulge, disk, halo
centre of galaxy, spheroid, smooth structure, little to no rotation, little to no gas, no star formation, old stars
flat, rotates, contains stars and gas and dust, ongoing star formation, young stars, high and low mass stars, blue and red stars
older stars, no gas or dust, globular clusters, low mass red stars, formed when few heavy elements existed, no ISM, no star formation
Elliptical galaxies
pure bulge, no disk, very large
Spiral galaxies
varying amounts of disk, arms from nucleus classified by how tightly arms are wound, nucleus brightness correlates to arm tightness
Mass of low mass stars
less than 10M
Life cycle of low mass stars
Nebula of gas and dust
Low-medium mass Protostar
Low-medium mass main cycle star
Red giant
Planetary nebula
White dwarf
Black dwarf
Mass of high mass star
between 10M and 40M
Life cycle of high mass star
Nebula of gas and dust
High mass Protostar
High mass main sequence star
Red super giant
a) neutron star
b) black hole (extra high mass)
Trends of the H-R diagram
main sequence stars are more luminous when they are hotter
Red giants are more luminous than main sequence, but cooler
white dwarf stars are less luminous that main sequence, but they can be hotter
blue/white = hot, red=cool
Current North Star and its location
Polaris, northern hemisphere, ursa minor/little dipper
Little dipper is located in
Northern hemisphere, always above the horizon
Big dipper
Ursa major, northern hemisphere, always above the horizon