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green revolution
possible long-term response to hunger
- crossbreeding, genetic engineering, pesticides
epidemic diseases that spread across national borders
medical innovations
antibiotics - agent used to cure bacterial infections
vaccines - used to prevent deadly diseases
HIV/AIDS - weakens the immune system (1981-2014)
ebola - caused by a virus from exposure to fluids of infected people/animals
loss of earthâs trees as a result of cutting them down for agricultural/industrial purposes
increasing size + number of cities, caused by mass migration to larger cities
greenhouse gases
gases like CO2 that build up in the atmosphere that let I heat from the sun but doesnât allow it to escape
greenbelt movement
movement to protect wilderness areas from urban growth. planted trees
economic liberalization + free markets
opening up of a countryâs economy
economic system based on supply/demand with as little government control as possible
chinese economic reforms
deng xiaoping - reversed the actions of the communist party
japanese economic growth
implemented policies to increase exports and decrease imports
- negative effects towards low-wage workers
asian tigers
hong kong, singapore, south korea, and taiwan - followed japanese economic model
economic continuities: shifting manufacturing
manufacturing decreases in countries like the US, instead remaining in asia and latin america
transnational free-trade organizations
created to contribute to growth of global economy
ex. world trade organization (WTO): governed 90% of international trade
multinational corporations
legally incorporated into one country, but makes/sells goods and services to one o more other countries
ex. microsoft, google
universal declaration of human rights
by the UN - asserted basic rights and fundemental freedoms for all human beings
global feminism
worldwide movement for feminism, best demonstrated by the womenâs March on Washington which spread globally
negritude movement
primarily in french west africa , emphasized pride in âblacknessâ, rejection of french colonial authority and right to self-determination
civil rights act
1965 - outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin
voting rights act
1965 - banned discrimination in voting
south africa - enforced segregation of people based on race
nelson mandela
leader of the african national congress (ANC), imprisoned for life for challenging apartheid
pariah state
an undesireable state
truth and reconciliation commission - sought to restore and establish an atmosphere of trust in the new multiracial south africa
caste reservation in india
involved a system to reserve the castle system, providing opportunities for those towards the bottom of the caste system
minority rights in china
the calling of rights for smaller ethnic groups in china
ex. tibetans, mongolians
1971 - organization made to advocate for the environment
rejection of tradition in favor of experimentation and uncertainty
consumer culture
in which people focused more on what they bought and owned
online commerce
online shopping, turned shopping into a global affair
ex. amazon, alibaba
international monetary fund - worked to maximize profit
muhammad yunus
bangladeshi who won the nobel prize for peace
- rana plaza factory
economic resistance
critics of globalization destruction of small businesses
UN general assembly + security council
only UN body in which all members have representation
acts on issues the general assembly debates
the world bank
1944 - fought poverty by providing loans to countries