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The strategic process of attracting and maintaining a customer base.
Public Relations
A communications tool designed to influence attitudes toward the organization.
Market Environment
Such factors as patient population, purchasing habits, and competition, which determine the opportunities and limitations of a potential customer base.
The discretionary buyer who selects where a laboratory test is performed.
Captive Market
Customers whose test must be performed by the hospital laboratory.
Discretionary Buyers
The entity that decides which laboratory will perform the test.
Customer Expectation
The dimension of value (i.e., best products, best total solution, or best total costs) the customer is seeking to satisfy.
Marketing Variables
Factors such as price, packaging product, and convenience that can be manipulated to attract customers.
Product Differentiation
Factors such as convenience, turnaround time, and price that make a product or service attractive to a customer.
Commercial presentations paid for by the organization to promote its products and services.
Sales Promotion
Short term purchase incentives such as discounts and gift programs.
Personal Selling
Selling through personal contact; using sales representatives to explain and sell a product or service.
Noncommercial educational materials, new releases, and seminars designed to influence purchasers decision or improve the organization’s image.
Marketing Proposal
A formal strategy for maintaining, identifying, and attracting customers.
(events outside the organization) such as the total patient population, their purchasing habits, and competition determine opportunities and limitations of the potential customer base.
Best Total Product
may mean offering the most sophisticated and specialized laboratory procedures or highly attentive service.
Best Total Solution
may mean providing a complete package of services designed for a specific type of customer.
Best Total Costs
may involve concentrating on volume and price.
The inability of the laboratory to develop and administer a multitiered pricing structure based on competitive factors and cost revenue considerations was the single most crippling liability in marketing laboratory services.
is a factor in designing how convenient the laboratory service is to its clients.
Products and services are constantly promoted through commercials and advertisements in news papers on car windshields, TVs, radios, in our mailboxes, and even on computer networks.
Marketing Research
To provide the information necessary to effectively market the services of a health care organization.
Internal Record System
Which medical, financial, and operational parameters are monitored for marketing information.
Marketing Intelligence System
To obtain everyday information about developments in the marketplace.
Marketing Research System
Organized to systematically collect, study, and report findings about specific marketing opportunities.
Analytical Marketing System
Using statistical and marketing model techniques to evaluate the data obtained from these system.
Market Overview
In this first section, market segments, competitors, and anticipated changes in the market place are identified and reviewed.
SWAT Analysis
The relative strengths, weaknesses, and market tactics of each competitor, along with those of your laboratory, are analyze to place the proposal into the perspective of the market overview.
In this area the specific dimension of value and operational modes needed to take advantage of the market opportunities are identified.
In the final section of the proposal, request permission to pursue the plan and state exactly what action is needed form the organization, including approval of staffing and budgeting requests.