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Concentrate selector
This type of ruminant according to diet selects diets of plants that are highly digestible
This type of ruminant according to diet consume a mixed diet
Grass/roughage eater
This type of ruminant according to diet highly developed fermentation system system that enables them to digest cellulose fractions of plant cell walls.
____% of a ruminant's time is spent feeding on grain.
____% of a ruminant's time is spent feeding on pasture.
A ______ is an animal that eats large amounts of roughages but does not have a four-compartments stomach like ruminants.
Camelus dromedarius
Scientific name of Arabian camel
Camelus bactrianus
Scientific name of Bactrian camel
organ of prehension of cattle
Tongue and lips
organ of prehension of goats
organ of prehension of sheep which it uses to sort feed
to gather food and move it into the mouth
to chew food into smaller particles when an animal grinds and chews with teeth
mechanical digestion of food by chewing
the regurgitation
mass of regurgitated ingesta; otherwise known as bolus
It connects the mouth and the stomach of the animal
smallest compartment of the compound stomach (~5%)
This compartment of the compound stomach is not completely separated from the rumen
Site for hardware disease
traumatic reticulopericarditis
Other term for hardware disease
This is the largest compartment of the compound stomach (~80%) located at the left side of the animal. In the cow
the small
Gas phase
This layer of nutrients in the rumen is the top layer.
Fiber mat
This layer of nutrients in the rumen is the middle layer where roughage floats on top of the liquid layer. Some microbes live here and help digest food. When they itch the wall of the rumen
Liquid phase
This layer of nutrients in the rumen is the bottom layer where most microbes live.
Acetic acid (Acetate)
most of this VFA comes from cellulose; it is important to milk fat in dairy cows
Propionic Acid (Propionate)
this VFA mostly comes from starch
Butyric Acid (Butyrate)
this VFA is derived from Acetic acid
Fistulated steer
A hole is surgically placed in the rumen of a cow to allow scientists to study it
It is the second smallest compartment in the compound stomach of the ruminant
this compartment in the compound stomach of the ruminant has many folds which increase its surface area thus allowing it to absorb more water.
this compartment in the compound stomach of the ruminant is the second largest compartment (~8-9%)
this compartment in the compound stomach of the ruminant is known as the true stomach and is most similar to the stomach of monogastrics
this compartment in the compound stomach of the ruminant is the first glandular portion of the ruminant digestive tract where enzymatic digestion happens
This secretion of the abomasum is responsible for activating the pepsinogen proenzyme
This secretion in the abomasum digests milk
Used by sheep to sort feed