dietary energy consumption
the amount of food that an individual consumes, measured in kcal or calories
intensive subsistence, wet rice dominant
East Asia + South Asia
intensive subsistence, not wet rice dominant
East Asia + South Asia
rely on wheat, oats, legumes, corn, etc.
pastoral nomandism
Southwest Asia + North Africa + Central Asia + East Asia
herding of domesticated animals in dry climates where planting crops is impossible
shifting cultivation
Latin America + S.S. Africa + Southeast Asia
farming technique where crops/people shift from one field to another frequently
Latin America + S.S. Africa + South Asia + Southeast Asia
large commercial farm in a developing country specializing in 1-2 crops
Generally owned by North Americans/Europeans
mixed crop and livestock
U.S. Midwest + central Europe
U.S. + Canada + Europe
U.S. + Canada + Europe
livestock ranching
North America + Latin America + Central America + South Pacific + S.S. Africa
Med. Sea areas + Western U.S. + Southern Chile/Africa
commercial gardening
U.S. + Australia
crop rotation
the practice of rotating use of different fields from crop to crop each year to avoid exhausting the soil
area used for growing rice
seasonal migration of livestock between mountains and lowland pasture areas
slash and burn
land is cleared by slashing vegetation and burning debris
frequent relocation
crops are grown on a cleared field for a few years until soil nutrients have been depleted before leaving it alone for years
(aquafarming) the cultivation of seafood under controlled conditions
Trade and Assistance Act of 1954
sells grain at low interest and gives grants to those in need
human actions causing land to deteriorate in a desert like condition
second agricultural revolution
began in the U.K. in the 1600s, increased productivity through the improvement of livestock breeding and crop rotation
forest fallow
fields are cleared and utilized for up to 2 years and left fallow for more than 20 years, long enough for the forest to grow back
bush fallow
fields are utilized and cleared for up to 8 years and left fallow for up to 10 years, long enough for small trees and bushes to grow back
short fallow
fields are cleared and utilized for perhaps 2 years and left fallow for up to 2 years, long enough for wild grasses to grow back
annual cropping
fields are used every year and rotated between legumes and crops
green revolution
the invention and rapid diffusion of more productive agricultural techniques during the 1970s and 80s
Norman Borlaug
important person in the green revolution, helped invent miracle seeds
conservation tillage
a method of soil cultivation that reduces soil erosion and runoff
no tillage
leaves all of the soil undisturbed, and the entire residue of the previous yearâs harvest is left untouched
ridge tillage
a system of planting crops on ridge tops
rural settlement
clustered, dispersed, linear
friction of distance
movement occurs with some cost proportional to the distance traveled
land settlement
long lots, metes and bounds, township and range
Von Thunenâs model