What is the goal of the Philippine government's policies on science and technology?
To prepare the country to meet the demands of a technologically driven world.
What organization did DOST consult for the ASEAN 2015 Agenda?
National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP).
Name the four clusters of policies identified by NRCP.
Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, International Policies and Governance; 2. Physics, Engineering, and Industrial Research; 3. Medical, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences; 4. Biological Sciences, Agriculture, and Forestry.
What is emphasized in the education sector under these policies?
Integrating ASEAN awareness without adding to the curriculum and teaching in the mother tongue.
What law is associated with the review of government procurement activities in the Philippines?
RA 9184 (An act providing for the modernization, standardization, and regulation of government procurement activities).
What does the government aim to achieve in the field of Medical Sciences?
Compliance of drug manufacturing with ASEAN harmonized standards and establishing an education council for standardization of pharmaceutical services.
What initiatives are taken for Biological Sciences and Agriculture?
Protecting biodiversity, promoting indigenous knowledge systems, and formulating common food and safety standards.
What programs are supported by the DOST for science and technology?
Providing funds for basic research, scholarships for studies in S&T, and developing science parks.
Who are some famous Filipinos in the field of Science?
Caesar A. Saloma, Edgardo Gomez, William Padolina, Angel Alcala.
What is the significance of the University of the Philippines – Los Baños?
It serves as a science paradise for agriculture, forestry, plant and animal science, and veterinary science.
What is the goal of the Philippine government's policies on science and technology?
To prepare the country to meet the demands of a technologically driven world.