Social support
The presence of people who resist pressures to conform or obey can help others to do the same
These people act as models to show others that resistance to social influence is possible
Social support - resisting conformity
Pressure to conform canbe resisted if there are other people present who are not conforming
Social support enables the naive participant to break from the majority and be free to follow their own conscience
Like the confederate in Asch’s study who does not conform, they are acting as a model of independent behaviour - shows that the majority is no longer unanimous
Social support - resisting obedience
In Milgram’s study, the rate of conformity dropped from 65% to 10% when the genuine participant was joined by a disobedient confederate
Disobedient confederate again acts like a ‘model’ for acting from your own conscience
The disobedient model challenges the legitimacy of the authority figure, making it easier for others to disobey
Locus of control (LOC)
Proposed by Julian Rotter (1966)
Refers to the sense we each have about what directs events in our lives
Internal locus of control means you believe that your responsible for what happens to you
External locus of control means you believe it is mainly a matter of luck or outside forces deciding what happens to you
Locus of control - The LOC continuum
People are not just either internal or external
LOC is a scale and individuals vary in their position on it
High internal LOC is at one a- People with a high nd of the continuum and high external at the other
Low internal and low external lie in between
LOC - resistance to social influence
People with a high internal LOC are more able to resist social pressures to conform or obey
A person with internal LOC takes personal responsibility for their actions and base their opinions off their own beliefs rather than depending on the opinions of others
Another explanation is that people with a high internal LOC tend to be more self-confident, more achievement-oriented and have higher intelligence
These traits lead to greater resistance to social influence