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Aha Moment
A character’s realization that shifts his actions or understanding of himself, others, or the world around him.
Aha Moment Follow-up Question
How might this change things?
Tough Question
Questions a character raises that reveal his or her inner struggles.
Tough Question Follow-up Question
What does this question make me wonder about?
Words of the Wiser
The advice or insight a wiser character offers about life to the main character.
Words of the Wiser Follow-up Question
What’s the life lesson and how might it affect the character?
Memory Moment
A recollection by a character that interrupts the forward progress of the story.
Memory Moment Follow-up Question
Why might this memory be important?
Contrasts and Contradictions
A sharp contrast between what we would expect and what we observe the characters doing.
Contrasts and Contradictions Follow-up Question
Why is the character doing that?
Again and Again
Events, images, or particular words that recur over a portion of the novel.
Again and Again Follow-up Question
Why does this keep happening again and again?