Signpost Notes
Directions: Using the slideshow posted on Canvas, take notes about each signpost, read the signpost question, and record your thinking as the class views examples. Most importantly, answer the signpost follow-up question. You must memorize the follow-up questions!
Aha Moment: A character’s realization of something that shifts his actions or understanding of himself, others, or the world around him.
Look and listen for phrases like “Suddenly, I understood . . .”, “In an instant I knew . . .”
The signpost follow-up question: How might this change things? | |
Describe and explain the Aha Moment in the video. | Answer the signpost follow-up question: |
Tough Question: Questions a character raises that reveal his or her inner struggles.
Look and listen for phrases expressing serious doubt or confusion.
The follow-up question: What does this question make me wonder about? | |
Describe and explain the Tough Question (TQ) in the video. | Answer the signpost follow-up question: |
Words of the Wiser: The advice or insight a wiser character, who is usually older, offers about life to the main character.
The follow-up question: What’s the life lesson and how might it affect the character? | |
Describe and explain the Words of the Wiser (WoW) in the video. | Answer the signpost follow-up question: |
Memory Moment: A recollection by a character that interrupts the forward progress of the story. The ongoing flow of the narrative is interrupted by a memory that comes to the character, often taking several paragraphs to recount before we are returned to events of the present moment.
The follow-up question: Why might this memory be important? | |
Describe and explain the Memory Moment (MM) in the video. | Answer the signpost follow-up question: |
Contrasts and Contradictions: A sharp contrast between what we would expect and what we observe the characters doing; behavior that contradicts previous behavior or well-established patterns. Can also apply to the setting.
The follow-up question: Why is the character doing that? | |
Describe and explain the Contrast and Contradiction (CC) in the video. | Answer the signpost follow-up question: |
Again and Again: Events, images, or particular words that recur over a portion of the novel. A word is repeated, sometimes used in an odd way, over and over in the story. An image reappears several times during the course of the book.
The follow-up question: Why does this keep happening again and again? | |
Describe and explain the Again and Again (AA) example in the video. | Answer the signpost follow-up question: |