Music Tech || MT CA5 - Multitrack Recording
What is a risk assessment?
The process of evaluating the potential risks that may be involved in a future activity.
What are the 5 steps of a risk assessment?
Identify the hazards.
Decide who could be harmed and how.
Evaluate the risks and decide on your control measures (solutions).
Make a written record of your findings.
Review the risk assessment.
Why must ALL accidents in a workplace be reported?
To ensure that steps are taken to minimize the risk of the accident happening again.
When an accident happens, the top priority are the injured persons.
What should be done when an accident occurs in a workplace?
Details of the accident should then be recorded and reviewed by the designated health and safety representative.
The risk assessment may also need to be reviewed.
What should be included in a risk assessment?
Name of person filling out form.
Name of injured person.
Description of injury.
How the injury happened.
Time of accident.
Action points required to reduce risk of accident happening again.
Signature and date.