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What two main branches do agencies have?
Agency Building
In ________, a company taps into the existing pool of agents created by the building branch to create an _____ ______ ______, and it is dependent/independent?
In career, a company taps into the existing pool of agents created by the building branch to create an instant sales force, and it is independent.
What type of agencies are branches of major stock and mutual insurance companies?
Career Agencies
What type of agent owns the record of present policy holders and their expirations?
Independent agenta
What type of agent is a self-emp0loyed rep of the company and represents only one insurer or a group of related insurers?
Captive agents
What is one form of mass marketing in insurance?
Direct response
In the direct writing system, the insurance company uses ___ _______ instead of _______
Their own employees instead of agencies
Insurance agents and brokers can transact all classes of insurance other than what?
Life, disability, or health insurance
Responsibilities of an agent are to whom?
The company
What are the 3 types of authorities/powers companies give to agenets?
Expressed authority is when it is ______________.
In writing
Implied authority IS/IS NOT in writing but _______ in order to transact business
NOT in writing; Assumed
What is apparent authority?
It is the authority the public assumes the licensee has and the insurer takes no action to change this assumption
Performing tasks that help to establish agency relationship, but are not covered by your contract, is called what?
Implied Authority/Powers
Who acts as the first line of defense against bad risks, which is why they’re often referred to as field underwriters?
Agents = ? = ?
Agents = Producers = Field Underwriters
What is an insurance solicitor?
A person employed to aid a p&c acting as an insurance agent in transacting insurance
Solicitors are licensed to sell property and casualty products - T/F?
What type of licensee is authorized to transact auto insurance (commercial and non-commercial), watercraft, and residential property?
Personal lines licensee
A person is transacting insurance and must have a valid license if they perform what actions?
Solicitation of insurance
Negotiations preliminary to the execution of a contract
Execution of a contract
Transactions that later result from the operation of the contract
When a person commits SNET without a license, what are the legal reprucussions?
Fine <$50k or imprisonment in county jail <1 year
Error and Omissions Insurance covers what?
Covers liability for mistakes and failures to act of nonmedical professionals
What type of licensee is the only one allowed to transact with a non-admitted insurer in CA?
Surplus Lines Broker
Surplus lines broker = ?
Non-admitted insurance
A solicitor holds which license?
P&C broker-agent or personal lines broker-agent
Which marketing distribution system involves the agent representing more than one insurer and more than one company?
Independent agency
In a legal relationship, which authority does a principle (company) give the agent in writing?
Express authority
T/F: The UW process consists of monitoring the decision.
A binder can be extended how many additional days?
90 days
What adjuster does not require a license?
Insurance adjuster
What is the extent agents or brokers are able to transact as a solicitor?
An agent or broker CANNOT transact as a solicitor, but a solicitor CAN transact as a broker or agent
What is the Law of Agency?
The relationship between agent and principal
What lines of insurance are no binders issued in?
Life excess policies in excess of $1M
Life insurance
Health insurance