It is the study of the forces that cause objects and systems to move.
It is either a push or pull that may cause an object to move, stop, or change its direction.
Newton (N)
It is the SI unit for force
Sir Isaac Newton
He is an English scientist and mathematician who is famous for his discovery of law of gravity and the three laws of motion.
Newton’s Laws of Motion
It describes the motion of all objects on the scale we experience in our daily lives.
Newton’s First Law of Motion
It states that an object at rest remains at rest and an object in motion remains in motion at a constant speed and direction unless a net external force acts on it.
Law of Inertia
Newton’s First Law of Motion is also called ___________
It is the capacity of an object to resist changes in motion
The inertia of an object is ____________ to its mass
More; higher
The _____ massive an object is, the _______ is its inertia
It is a measurement of an object’s inertia whether it is at rest or in motion
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
It states the force equals mass times acceleration
The Law of Acceleration
Newton’s Second Law of Motion is also called
The amount of force needed to accelerate an object is _________ to the mass of the object and the magnitude of acceleration
Directly proportional; indirectly proportional
Acceleration of an object is (directly proportional or indirectly proportional) to the net force acting on it and is (directly proportional or indirectly proportional) to its mass
Newton’s Third Law of Motion
It states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction
Law of Intercation
Newton’s Third Law of Motion is also called the __________
Same; opposite
If you apply a force on an object, that object will apply the (same or different) amount of force on you at the (same or opposite) direction
Action; reaction
In Newton’s Third Law of Motion, there will always be an ______ force and reaction ______
Normal Force
These are some common types of force used in the analysis of systems
Mass; weight
________ and _______ are different from each other
It is a scalar quantity that describes the amount of matter an object has
It is a vector quantity that describes the force exerted on an object by virtue of its position in a gravitational field
Normal force
It is a type of force exerted by a surface on an object
Normal force always acts _________ to the surfaces in conctact
Frictional force or friction
It is a type of force that opposes the relative motion of an object
Parallel to the surfaces; opposite the direction
Frictional force or friction is a type of force always acts ________________ in contact and _______________ of the motion or attempted motion of an object.
Static friction
Kinetic friction
There are two types of friction
Static friction
It is a type of friction that occurs when two contacting surfaces/systems are stationary
Kinetic friction
It occurs when two objects/systems are moving relative to one another
Frictional force is (directly proportional or indirectly proportional) to the normal force and coefficient of friction
Type of materials in contact
Smoothness or roughness of the surfaces
Type of friction
The coefficient of friction depends on 3 factors
Greater than
The coefficient of static friction is (less than or greater than) the coefficient of kinetic friction
The coefficient of static friction is greater than the coefficient of friction
It is the reason why the lesser force is needed to continuously move an object after setting it in motion from stationary position
Directly proportional
Normal force is (directly proportional or indirectly proportional) to the mass or weight of the object
The normal force is directly proportional to the masa or weight of the object
It is the reason why it is harder to move heavier objects along a surface compared to lighter objects