try square(wood)
marking lines at 90° to an edge
marking gauge(wood)
mark lines parallel to an edge
jack plane(wood)
create a starter hole for positioning a drill accurately on a mark
pillar drill safety
-remove chuck key after fitting a drill bit -lower safety guard before switching on -hold the work securely or clamp to worktable -always clamp metalwork or hold it in a machine vice
easily broken, when struck, little to no bending at the breaking point.
may be drawn out-pulled into shape like copper wire
bending, stretching, produced by a force disappears when the force is removed
material offers resistance to penetration/scratching
able to be hammered out into small sheets or small bars without cracking can be pressed on rolled
ability to resist a force without breaking
-considerable energy required to break -ability to resist sudden blows, bends or twists
heat and electricity are easily transmitted through the material
aluminium properties
-lightweight and easily formed -bright silver -non ferrous -e.g drinks cans
copper properties
-conducts electricity and heat -easily formed -red/orange -non ferrous -e.g electrical wire
brass properties
-casts well and is easily joined by soldering -gold coloured -non ferrous -e.g screws, hinges, door handles
mild steel properties
-easily welded/formed but needs surface protection -blue/grey -ferrous -e.g bridges, car bodies
stainless steel properties
-forms well + resistant to rust -shiny silver -ferrous -e.g garden tolls, sinks
ferrous metals
-contain iron -prone to rust -magnetic -stainless steel, iron, mild steel
non ferrous metals
-don't contain iron -generally corrosion resistant -low mp -non magnetic -copper, aluminium, brass
centre punch(metal)
-mark position of holes before drilling -only need one gentle tap from a hammer
mark out metal, similar to pencil on wood
engineers square(metal)
similar to try square, marking lines across metal at a 90° to an edge
odd leg callipers(metal)
scribe a line parallel to an edge of a piece of metal
spring dividers(metal)
used like a compass to scribe a circle or arc around a centre point
cutting medium sized sections of metal and can be adjusted to fit different sizes of blade
cut thin sheets of material and are operated similar to scissors
combination pillars(metal)
cutting wire
-deciduous trees(seasonal and lose leaves during winter) -take long to grow -strong/hard (more durable) -more expensive -less sustainable -more aesthetically pleasing
-coniferous(evergreen + grow all year round) -grow quicker, can be harvested more regularly -less durable -cheaper -grown in farmed forests (sustainable, each tree cut down is one replanted)
hardwood examples (BOATM)
ash, oak, walnut, mahogany, beech, teak
softwood examples (CRLSP)
cedar, redwood, spruce, pine, larch, douglas fir
manufactured board
sheets of wooden material made from processed timber
benefits of manufactured board
-lower in cost compared to timber -made from recycled material -available in large wide sheets -easier to cut + shape -remains flat(doesn't warp or twist)
type of manufactured board
-MDF(fibres glued) -plywood(strips glued at opposing right angles) -chipboard(chips glued)
firmer chisel(wood)
rectangular blade and used for general workshop purposes
bevel end chisel(wood)
chisel with tapered edges to allow it to cut angles less than a right angle for dovetails
carpenters mallet(wood)
used for driving wood chisels and assembling/dismantling joints
tenon saw(wood)
accurate straight cuts in small pieces of wood
coping saw(wood)
used to cut curved shapes in thin timber
beech properties
-not durable, strong, hard, tough, easily worked -white/yellow brown, straight grain -hardwood -e.g furniture, floors
ash properties
-works well, flexible, split + shock resistant -white/pale brown, straight grain -hardwood -e.g sport equipment, boat building
mahogany properties
-fairly strong, medium weight, durable -deep reddish brown, medium texture -hardwood -e.g interior panelling, furniture
red cedar properties
-weather/insect resistant, strong, very durable -reddish brown, coarse texture, straight grain -softwood -e.g exterior boarding, furniture
marking+drilling hole (metal)
steel rule+scribed to measure & score distance from the edge to the centre of hole
engineers square+scriber to score line at right angle to the edge of metal
centre punch+ball pein hammer to make indent prior to drilling on right angled line
secure metal in machine vice, drill hole with twist drill and pillar drill
marking & shaping a curve(metal)
steel rule+scriber to measure & score distance from edge to centre of curve
engineers square+scriber to score line at 90° angles to edge of metal
centre punch & hall pein hammer to make indent prior to secure leg of dividers
dividers to score curve
tinsnips/guillotine to remove waste material from corners 6.file into shape using rough file
finishing metal
-cross file edge with rough file -drawfile edge with smooth file -clean edges with emery cloth -clean faces with steel wool and soap -polish edges
marking & forming metal
steel rule+scriber to measure and score distance from edge to bend line
engineers square and scriber to score line at 90° angles to edge of metal
secure metal in folding bars(or former) and engineers vice, hammer into shape using raw hide mallet
marking plastic
use template and marker pen to mark curve design(for curve only)
measure i mark distance from edge to centre of holes using steel rule and marker pen 3.project mark at 90° angle to edge of plastic using marker pen and engineers square. repeat to mark centre of holes on projected line
benefit of using template
-ensures all designs are identical as each template is the same -more accurate as it’s easier to draw on cars than plastic -quicker as it will take longer and be more difficult to draw design straight onto material as opposed to card
removing waste material(plastic)
-coping saw to create curve -junior hacksaw for straight lines
drilling plastic
-secure plastic -drill with twist drill bit/stepped drill bit -to prevent cracking, support plastic with wood underneath/ use masking tape on drill area
shaping plastic
-heat plastic using strip heater until plastic is pliable (oven if curve) -secure in former and bend into shape -leave to cool
pine properties
-works well, strong -softwood
acrylic properties
-hard, durable scratches easily -thermoplastic
epoxy properties
-rigid, clear, tough, chemical resistant -thermosetting plastic
become plastic on heating and harden on cooling, and are able to repeat these processes
thermosetting plastic
when cool, they become permanently solid and cannot be reshaped, even