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___% of children ages 5-17 speak a language other than English
Why must an SLP be culturally competent
distinguish a communication delay/disorder from a communication difference
Where does cultural competency begin
understanding one’s own experiences
What types of reactions are there to unfamiliar cultures
assumptions of superiority, assumptions of universality
____ is thinking that your culture is the “right” one and everyone else does it wrong
_____ is the assumption that one knows how another is thinking based on how they see things
projected cognitive similarity
Projected cognitive similarity is a type of what assumption of culture
What is the difference between a stereotype and a prototype?
a stereotype is fixed and rigid; a prototype is mental representations based on general characteristics that are fluid and dynamic
Define bias
a preference for the familiar and comfortable
When biases are acted on, the actor is showing ____ or prejudice
Define prejudice
a judgement that is based on emotion or other irrational factor but not on relevant facts
____ bias, or prejudice, is usually negative
irrational bias
Why must an SLP be aware of cultural differences when seeking case history information
questions on the case history may be seen as too personal, intrusive, or irrelevant to clients of specific cultures.
What are some views regarding culture
spirituality, family structure, healthcare, food preferences, work ethic, humor
Only __% of bilingual parents reported that interpreters were provided for IEP meetings.
Only __% of bilingual parents indicated that written communications from the school are provided in the native language
Only __% of bilingual parents noted that they communicate with the teachers about their child’s progress
What are two biases in assessment tools?
form of the language; manner in which language is used
T/F An SLP does not have to consider cultural diversity when selecting standardized assessment tools.
T/F Few tests include people from low-income families in the normative populations, regardless of race.
The interaction style demanded by many standardized tests does not match the interaction style of ____ children
T/F Informal assessment tools have proved to be unproblematic.
How can SLPs work around informal assessment problems?
more than one sample, in different settings, with different people
What two levels of language proficiency should be assessed with dual language learners?
Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP)
T/F BICS are required for academic learning.
T/F CALP are required for social communication.
Students are able to acquire BICS within __ years.
Students require ____ years to achieve CALP.
T/F Students who have acquired BICS may be able to function proficiently at the lower levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.
What can an SLP do to help assess DLLs language proficiency?
assess language learning ability
What are some ways to measure language learning ability?
fast mapping, dynamic assessment, nonword repetition, rapid automatic naming, authentic assessment
What is fast mapping?
quick incidental learning
What is dynamic assessment?
the examiner actively teaches and carefully “mediates” the child’s learning
What is nonword repetition?
a processing task that requires children to repeat nonsense words conforming to the phonotactics of their native language
What does rapid automatic naming assess
processing speech, distinguish language differences vs. a disorder
Serial naming speed is the most powerful predictor and diagnostic indicator of later ____
What is authentic assessment?
when students are expected to perform, produce, or demonstrate skills that represent realistic learning demands
What are some alternatives to standardized assessment tools?
criterion referenced tools, client specific tools, dynamic assessment, portfolio assessment
What are the three communication “d’s” an SLP must distinguish
delay, difference, disorder
What is a communication delay?
when the language development in the first language simply remains stagnant
In the realm of DLL, a communication delay is
when language development of the first language neither regresses nor progresses when the second language is introduced
What are some common communication delays?
reduction of noun variety, errors in gender agreement, errors in subject/verb agreement
In the realm of DLL, a communication difference is
when the same phoneme symbols sound different or don’t exist in the first language learned, causing a difference in language
T/F Communication differences can lead to overidentification of communication disorders among dual language learners.
What are two procedures that the SLP may use when differentiating between communication delays, differences, and disorders?
venn diagram, inventory of specific observable behaviors
What are two explanations a team should consider for every concern raised?
factors related to cultural/linguistic background; disability related to explanation
What is the contribution approach?
ethnic heroes and cultural artifacts are added to curriculum content
What is the additive approach?
add content, concepts, themes, and perspectives that focus on diversity
What is the transformation approach?
curriculum is changed; all events, concepts and themes are considered from multiple perspectives based on diversity
What is the social action approach?
transformation approach plus a problem-solving process is used to help students make decisions and take actions related to the concepts or problem being studied
What is the purpose of counseling
engage the individual in an interactive process to facilitate the achievement of realistic goals and enhance the quality of life
SLPs should include time in their workload schedules to provide effective ____ counseling such as explanations of procedures and diagnosis’s.
What is included in information counseling
explanations of evaluation procedures and the diagnosis; the impact the communication condition may have on all aspects of life (social, educational, functional, vocational); strategies recommended for coping, problem-solving, and compensating
T/F Trust and care are two integral qualities an SLP needs to have in relationship with students, parents, teachers, and administrators.
T/F Without trusting and caring relationships, effective counseling and conferencing will not happen.
What qualities should an activity meant to build trust include
inclusivity, support for the child’s learning, an appreciation of differences, and provide the child’s with the opportunity to help others
T/F Students and families should enjoy cooperative, noncompetitive activities that promote the value of learning together and helping others creating a cooperative environment.
T/F The first contact an SLP and parent have with each other does not have to be a positive one
T/F If a parent shows disinterest in what/how their child is learning, the child will still be eager and willing to participate.
What are some innovative, collaborative community building activities
family film night, family sing/dance night, math night, science night, family read aloud
What are some school wide innovative, collaborative community building activities
paint a mural, community garden, family heritage museum
T/F IEPs can be reported whenever they want.
When do IEPs have to be reported?
as often as the GE progress reports are given
What are some ways IEPs are reported?
an IEP meeting held 3-4x a year; written progress report separate from GE; written progress report included with GE; teleconferences with parents
What are the six p’s necessary for effective conferencing?
prepared, punctual, polite, professional, positive, persistent
T/F At the start of any conference, a mutually agreeable objective should be clearly stated.
What are the three choices an educator has when objectives don’t line up
focus on the original and plan a meeting for the other; identify the two different ones and allow the parent to choose which to address; accept the alternative
What is an introductory conference
make first contact with student/family and establish rapport
What is a reporting conference
discuss (report) what is happening in the classroom/at school with the student to their parents
What is an information gathering conference
a conference where parents provide information
What is a problem solving conference
a “I need your help” meeting that involves the parents
What are five different emotional patterns that may surface during a conference
denial, depression, anger, guilt, fear
What is an “advice shopping” parent
very in denial; shops for a doctor that will tell them what they want to hear; may not believe disability exists
How can an SLP work with a parent who is “advice shopping”
provide emotional support; stay within ASHA scope
What is a reluctant parent
experiencing depression or fear; sense of self-worth is challenged by issues of loss/disability
How can an SLP work with a reluctant parent
offer videoconferences or a home visit
What is a listening post parent
experiencing guilt; wants to find the WHY
T/F A person can be talked out of guilt
How can an SLP work with a listening post parent
set boundaries; gentle reminders about focusing on conference
What is an angry parent
someone is angry about the diagnosis and drops it into the SLPs lap
How can an SLP work with an angry parent
explore the anger, don’t meet alone
T/F Anger sometimes springs from deep-rooted prejudices and discrimination related to disabilities.
What is an unscheduled drop-in?
when a parent stops the SLP at a random place to hold a conference
How should an SLP handle an unscheduled drop-in?
do not hold a conference with them
People typically remember ___% of what they have been told in a conference
How can an SLP ensure all important information is remembered after a conference?
write a follow up letter
What types of questions should an SLP develop?
closed questions, open-ended questions, funneling questions, requests for clarification, comparison questions, counter questions
What are closed questions?
yes/no; basic information
What are open-ended questions?
why and how
What are funneling questions?
grow increasingly more specific
What are requests for clarification?
paraphrasing the information shared and asking if the summary is correct
What are comparison questions?
using comparison words to determine if clinical strategies are effective
What are counter questions?
responding to a question with a question
T/F Every time a school staff member views records, an access log must be kept.
What types of records are kept by a school district?
directory data, progress reports, physical health records, health care records, behavioral records
What two types of counseling must an SLP be trained in
informational and personal adjustment
What is informational counseling
provides the student/family with relevant information needed to understand things surrounding the disorder
What is personal adjustment counseling
focuses on the emotional impact of the information
What are the three stages of personal adjustment counseling
let the student’s story unfold; engage in active problem-solving; take new actions
What are basic counseling techniques that should be used during stage one of personal adjustment counseling?
attending, empathy, unconditional positive regard, silence, neutral questioning