the transition period from childhood to adulthood, extending from puberty to independence
G. Stanley Hall
believed that this tension between biological maturity and social dependence creates a period of “storm and stress”; it’s a timewhen teen crave social acceptance but often feel socially disconnected
the period of sexual maturation, during which a person becomes capable of reproducing
sequence of puberty
the sequence of physical changes in puberty (for example, breast buds and visible public hair before menarche0 is far more predictable than their timing
the first menstruation period
effects of early maturation
for boys. early maturation has mixed effects; for girls, early maturation can be a challenge
teenage brain
until puberty, brain cells increase their connections, then, during adolescence, comes a selective pruning of unused neurons and connections. What we don’t use, we lose
frontal lobe
The brain’s frontal lobes mature and myelin growth increases during adolescence and the early twenties, enabling improved judgement, impulse control, and long-term planning
developing reasoning power
Piaget theorized that adolescents develop a capacity for normal operations and that this development is the foundation for moral judgement
formal operational stage
Jean Piaget; teen apply their new abstract reasoning tools to the world round them
sought to describe the development of moral reasoning; posed moral dilemmas
moral reasoning
the thinking that occurs as we consider right and wrong
moral intuition
quick gut feelings, or affectively laden intuitions
moral action
Morality involves doing the right thing, and what we do also depends on social influences
delayed gratification
to decline small rewards now for bigger rewards later — is basic to our future academic, vocational, and social success