Enlightenment/Scientific Rev Thinkers

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Nicolaus Copernicus

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Nicolaus Copernicus

Heliocentric Model of the Universe

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Johannes Kepler

Heliocentric Model but created 3 laws of planetary movement(ellipsis, closer to the sun and time to rotate)

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Used a telescope to observe heliocentric model—>wasn’t purely theoretical anymore(imprisoned for beliefs)

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Issac Newton

Laws of Gravity, Universal Gravity(directly proportional stuff on earth)

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Diseased cause by Chemical imbalance

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Audreas Vesalius

Body dissection(unheard of and illegal by chruch)

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William Harvey

Circulatory System(1 system of blood for the whole body)

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Francis Bacon

Empiricism—>observe small parts then general

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Deductive Reasoning—>doubt until undoubtable

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Tycho Brahe

Built and observatory in Europe and proved Copernicus theory. Collected Data on the universe.

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John Locke

  • Humans in State of Nature. Humans are good but have no protection.

  • Govs. provide rule of law but only with the consent of the governed

  • Natural Rights “Life. Liberty and property”

  • Social Contract-People agree to obey only if gov protects the natural rights

  • Right to Rebellion—>People can rebel if rights aren’t protected

  • Don’t undermine Christianity(sinful)

  • for change to occur people need to be educated

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  • religious toleration

  • desim

  • He advocated “enlightened despotism” (a more

    benevolent form of absolutism) believing that people

    were incapable of governing themselves.

  • Development of reason

  • Men and women are capable of the same things

  • No oppression in France

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Baron de Montesquieu

Spirit of Laws- gov. should be in three branches(monarch, nobility, rest of population

  • checks and balances for branches

  • Liberty needs to be acknowledged

  • large empires=fear of people to rule

  • French nobility should have a larger role in gov

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Jean- Jacques Rousseau

  • general will(consensus of majority should control the nation)

  • believed that man in a simpler state of nature was good—a “noble savage”—and was corrupted by the materialism of civilization.

  • Progressive Education, self-expression and encouraged

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Denis Diderot

  • The multi-volume tome was perhaps the greatest and

    most representative work of the philosophes.

  • limits of control

  • respect/consent from gov

  • -natural rights shouldn’t be controlled

  • Condemned Christianity as fantastical and unreasonable(all religions but christianity the worse)

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Marquis di Beccaria

  • He sought to humanize criminal law based on

    Enlightenment concepts of reason and equality before

    the law.

  • Social rules

  • Just punishment

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Adam Smith

-Wealth of Nations

Laissez-Faire physiocrats(agriculture was the source to all wealth)

  • gov shouldn’t be absolutist(free to natural liberty)

  • attack on mercantilism


  • 3 functions of gov(to protect, defend from injustice and keep up public works)

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Baron Paul D’holback

Strict Atheism

-humans are like machines and completely driven by outside forces.

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-fonder on modern European feminism

If women aren’t equal then in contradicts enlightium

subjection of women to men is wrong

-equal rights to men in economic education and political life ventures.

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Blaise Pascal

  • strict empiricism and controlled experiments

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Women needed to better educated(men would resent this)

-equality of sex in marriage

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