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Woodrow Wilson
President of the United States who pushed the formation of the League Of Nations
Georges Clemenceau
Prime Minister of France that pushed to punish Germany and find reparations
David Lloyd George
Prime Minister of Britain
Big Three
The three nations who dominated the Paris Peace Conference: United States, Britain, France
War Guilt Clause
A clause signed where Germany (and Austria) admitted all guilt for the war
Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, German Empire
The three empires dissolved from the Treaty of Versailles
Poland, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland
The new states made from the dissolved empires during the Treaty of Versailles
League of Nations
An organization across Europe to avoid future wars
Mandate System
In which Britain took control of Iraq and Palestine, France took control of Syria and Lebanon. A thin veil for imperialism
National Self-Determination
The idea that the people get to determine their national identity through voting, elections, etc