The bishop of Rome, head of the Catholic Church on earth
Without error; It is the belief that with God’s assistance, the Pope is without error when he proclaims what the Church teaches on faith and morals. This must be done under strict condition
The act of regarding something with utmost respect and reverence, honouring but not worshipping Mary or saint
Religious vows
Sacred promises of poverty, chastity and obedience, made by monks, nuns, priests, religious sister and brothers.
A religious
A person who has taken the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience; a monk, mum or religious sister and brother.
From “Theos”meaning God and “tokos” meaning bearer, one of the titles given to the Virgin Mary, “bearer of Christ”
An image of fish, used as a secret symbol of early Christianity, the Greek word for fish is an acronym for Christ. Jesus Christ, God’s son, saviour
Chi rho
A Christian symbol consisting of the capital Greek letter Chi(x) and Rho(p), which are the first two letters of the word “Christ” in Greek. It can represent either Christ or Christanity.
Taking time out of ordinary daily life to focus on matters of God, religion and spirituality; time to communicate with God through prayer and reflection.
Apostolic Succession
The line of Catholic bishop, going back to Jesus’ apostles, all catholic bishops are considered part of this lineage that can be traced back to the time of the apostle
Immaculate Conception
The belief that God preserved the Virgin Mary from the stain of Original Sin from the moment of her conception.
A representation of the cross with a figure of the crucified Christ on it
The nature of the Church [4]
There are only one true church/body
The Church are all baptised
All 7 sacrament are under one
All under the pope and funded y by Jesus
The belief that Jesus funded and teaches the doctrine
The trinity is an example of doctrine
It teaches you how to live a good life such as the Ten Commandment
The word Catholic means universal. “Therefore go and make disciple of all nation” from Matthew
It is established by gentile
They are commanded to goes out to the whole world and accept everybody
It is funded by Christ
St. Peter are the head of the apostolic
All popes and bishops are apostolic succession
Church as “Body of Christ”
Catholics describe the Church as “body of Christ” and believes that without Church, Christ does no exist.
The catechism of Catholic Church makes it clear that God does not belong to any one or group.
An individual can become member of the Church through sacrament of Baptism
The people of God have duty to follow the commandments of God and a duty towards human beings. They have a mission to spread the word of God, hope and salvation to the word and lives as Christ did
Tradition vs modern salvation
Tradition - only those within the Church and having received sacrament can have salvation
Modern - those who live a good life and moral life, even though they does not know the gospel or the faith. They can still get the salvation
Role of each pope
Bishop of Rome - carries out the roles of Bishop such as confirmation, takes care of the diocese including priest
Vicar of Christ - Christ’s representative on earth. Delivers the Church’s teaching on key issues
Successor of St. Peter - Leader of the Church on earth. God’s authority given to teach and guide
Apostolic succession
Each pope is a descendent of the first pope, St Peter, who the Catholic claims to be the first bishop
There have been an unbroken line of succession known as the apostolic succession. This ensures that the messages and teaching that Christ gave to the apostles have been passed down and remain the same today
Papal Infallibility
The pope has the ability to speak infallible on matters of faith and moral.
There has been 2 infallible statement:
Mary is the immaculate conception and assumption of Mary
An aid to worship that focus on a set order of prayers.
The use of beads allows an individual to keep track of the prayers without becoming distracted and losing their place.
When the rosary is used in prayer, one of the mysteries of the Rosary is said.
Each mysteries is split into 5 event of Jesus’ life
The rosary allows the individual to focus on “mysteries” that represent the life, death, resurrection and the incarnation of God.
Describe the 3 vows
Vows of chastity - the individual agree to remain celibate for the rest of their life, so that their life can be spent fully focus on God and worshipping him
Vows of poverty - when an individual that only have the thing they need. No need for luxury life and the money that may be earned is shared amongst the order equally. Human cannot worship God and material thing at the same time
vows of obedience - the promises of always obey the rules, teachings and instruction set down by the a church, hierarchy and the God
Types of order [5]
Mendicant order - live within the community and follow a lifestyle similar to the apostolic order. Adapt a lifestyle of poverty and their main aim is evangelisation and service to the poor. Live among the people that they are working with.
Monastic order - follow the contemplative lifestyle, the traditional religious order and many will associate with the monks and nuns. Life is spent in prayer and contemplative although they will have some contact with the outside world it will be limited
Apostolic order - work within the community, outside of the convent. Aim to get a balance between community life and their ministry. Any wages earned is put into a common pot to help others
Contemplative orders - focus completely on prayers. Only have communication to the other world for survival. Any work is minimal as their focus will be on prayers
Cloistered orders - go one step further than contemplative orders as they will not leave their convents. They will only leave because of medical reasons or family issues