________ can make laws that "carry into execution te foregoing Powers "and enforce the Constitution.
________ believed that the people should have as much power as possible in the governmental system and Fed 10 believes that the people should have enough power, but only through representatives.
________ is based on population or monetary contributions to federal government.
single executive
A(n) ________ is chosen by the legislative branch.
legislative branch
Judges are chosen by the ________.
local government
Grants with a specific purpose defined by law sometimes require matching funds from state or ________.
________ are governed as a single entity where the central government is supreme authority.
supreme court
The ________ can incorporate certain parts of the different amendments, not necessarily the whole amendment.
John Adams
________ named Marbury and several other justices just before his last day in office.
________ can veto legislative acts.
federal government
Money and resources provided by the ________ to state and local government for specific projects or programs.
________: A small society defined by a common interest and /or location.
strong federal government
A(n) ________ can protect the nation from external and internal threats and dangers.
________ believes that smaller and state governments will be more likely to protect personal liberties.
Legislative branch
________ has no veto powers.
Declared that people have inalienable rights
(life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness)
-The purpose
To explain how a federal government disallows chaos caused by factions and their spread across state borders
A small society defined by a common interest and/or location
-Madisons claims on how to control factions
checks and balances; representation for each faction in a larger government
-Madisons claim on why it is impossible to abolish all factions
factions are simply people bonding over their interests, and people and their opinions cannot be entirely suppressed in the name of democracy and liberty
-The purpose
To explain the Constitutions shortcomings in the handling of factions
Parties involved
Adams/The Federalists vs. Jefferson/Democratic-Republicans/Madison
Parties involved
United States vs. Lopez
Parties involved
James McCulloch vs. State of Maryland