What is S1(1) Criminal Attempts Act 1981?
If, with intent to commit an offence, a person does an act which is more than merely preparatory to the commission of the offence, he is guilty of attempting to commit the offence
R v Geddes
D must have ‘embarked on the crime proper’
Boyle and Boyle
Had D moved from planning to execution?
Had D done something that shows they’re trying to commit offence?
R v Easom
If P can’t prove intention then D is not guilty
Millard v Vernon
Recklessness is not sufficient mens rea for attempt
Attorney General’s Reference 1994
D guilty if recklessness only relates to one aspect of crime and intention is there for another
Attorney General’s Reference 1979
Conditional intent (intention to steal if something’s worth taking) can render D guilty of theft
R v Whybrow
For mens rea of attempted murder, it must be proved that D intended to kill; GBH not enough
Anderton v Ryan
D may be guilty of attempting to commit offence even of the offence was impossible to commit