Islam is the world fastest growing religion
their prophets opposed intercourse before marriage
polygamy is a common place
women are considered inherently sexual
earliest sex manuals were produced
rates of infections, pre-marital sex, and extramarital sex are all increasing presently because of sexual conservatism
promote the belief that only moral sexual expression occurs within heterosexual marriage
sex only occurs for the purpose of procreation
peno-vaginal penetration = real sex
a step backwards for sexual intelligence
women were seen as delicate and non-sexual
men were free to find companionship with other women
interviewed women and found that they do enjoy sexual pleasure
changed the way people view women's sexual experiences
were viewed as animals and oversexed heathens
"control breeding" for slave trade
did not own the rights to their body
Freud viewed sexuality as innate in both men and women
Kinsey Studies
books published educating people about sex response and awareness
increased violence against LGBTQ+
significant affect on sexual attitudes and behaviors
education increase on child abuse
cyber sex and teledildonics
LGBTQ+ community chat rooms
internal reproductive plumbing
raw materials: wolffian ducts and mullerian ducts
a condition caused by a congenital lack of functioning androgen receptors (in a person with XY sex chromosomes)
causes the development of a female vulva with testes but no internal sex organs
someone has an XXY instead of an XX or XY
penis, scrotum, and testes at birth
underdeveloped penis and testes at puberty
someone who only has one chromosome X
normal looking vulva
internal reproductive parts are not fully developed
breast do not develop and periods do not occur
inner lips and are located within the outer lips and usually protrude between them
clitoral hood
contain extensive nerve endings, blood vessels, and sweat and oil glands
outer lips extended downward from each side of the vulva
surrounds the labia minora and the urethral and vagina openings
area covering pubic bone
consists of pads of fatty tissue that can be pleasurable for women
during puberty it becomes covered in hair
compromises the external glands and shaft
extremely sensitive because of nerve endings
gonads that produce ova and sex hormones
size and shape of almond
about 1million immature ova at birth
small end of the uterus located at the back of the vagina
contains mucus-secreting glands
canal extending into the body angling upwards towards the cervix and the uterus
has three layers: mucosa, the muscle layer, and fibrous tissues