transfer a small set volume of each mineral salt solution into a watch glass and leave for 20 mins
remove each section using forceps. mount in a drop of the corresponding solution on a microscope slide and cover with a coverslip
observe 25 cells and record how many are plasmolysed
dip a sterile inoculating loop into the mixed culture
make streaks on the agar using the inoculating loop
incubate the agar plate for 24 hours
take a sample of the different colonies and streak them on different agar plates and incubate again for 24 hours
draw pencil line 1cm above bottom of paper
cut section of leaf and grind in pestle and mortar with 20 drops of propanone to release pigments
use capillary tube to extract pigment and blot on paper
leave paper in solvent for 10 minutes
take paper out of solvent and draw a pencil line where pigments moved to
calculate Rf value for each spot of pigment
place a piece of pondweed in a beaker of water
cover one side of the beaker with aluminium foil to block out light
cover the other side of the beaker with a coloured light filter
add half a spatula of sodium hydrogencarbonate to the water to provide carbon dioxide
leave for 5 minutes
place the bench lamp a set distance from the beaker e.g. 30cm
measure the movement of the air bubble up the capillary tube
replace the coloured light filter with another and repeat the experiment
assemble the respirometer
add 5g of one organism to the boiling tube and replace the bung
place a drop of coloured liquid in the open end of the respirometer and use a syringe to draw the liquid as far back as possible from the respirometer and record the starting position
close the tap and start the stop clock
open the tap after 5 minutes and record the position of the tube
repeat the process with another organism or a control
pin the locus to the dissection board and remove the exoskeleton
identify the internal gas exchange system. flood the specimen with water so the tracheae show silvery-grey
examine the tracheae under a microscope
cut beetroot into 6 identical cubes with a scalpel
place each cube in a different test tube with equal volumes of distilled water
place each test tube into water baths ranging from 30oC-80oC. leave for 20 minutes
filter each solution out into a cuvette and measure the absorbance
dilute the stock sucrose solution to several set concentrations
place a moist piece of filter paper into a petri dish to form a humid chamber
put a few drops of sucrose solution and an equal volume of mineral salt medium onto a clean microscope slide
use a mounted needle to rub the anther of the flowers so they shed some pollen onto the microscope slide
place the slides into the petri dish until it is time to observe them
start the stop clock. place the slides under the microscope and use a calibrated eyepiece graticule to measure pollen tube growth
dilute gibberellin to produce several concentrations
cut seeds in half, use only the half with the endosperm
dip in sodium hypochlorite solution and wash with water
place seeds in each gibberellin solution and leave
place seeds in a petri dish and starch agar, and leave for 12-48 hours
pour potassium iodide onto the plates and measure the clear zone
time allowed to soak in gibberellin
time left on starch agar plate
source/age of seeds
use a quadrat with squares
count how many squares the required species is present in
divide this by the total number of squares available
multiply by 100 to convert into a percentage
choose an area to take samples from. use two tape measures to create a set of axes off which coordinates can be read
use a random number generator to generate 10 sets of random coordinates
place the quadrat at each of the coordinates, placing the bottom left corner on the coordinate every time. start with the smaller quadrat
record the percentage cover for the chosen species
record the abundance of each species within the quadrat. this is used to work out density
record how many pins touch the chosen species. if it’s a frame quadrat work out how many quadrat intersection points contain the chosen species underneath.
repeat steps 3-6 with the bigger quadrat
choose an abiotic factor
choose an area that has a clear light intensity gradient
lay a 20m tape measure on the ground from the area with sunlight to the shaded area
choose a species that changes in abundance along your transect
place a quadrat at the 0m mark
measure light intensity at the 0m mark within the quadrat
record the abundance of your chosen species by counting how many organisms are present. record this in a table
repeat steps 5 and 6 every 2m along the tape measure until you reach the end of the 20m
repeat steps 3-7 by creating another 2 transects between the area with sunlight to the shaded area
t-test: find out if there is a significant difference between 2 levels of the independent variable
spearman’s rank: find out if there is a correlation between many levels of the independent variable