End of Hundred Years War
Fall of Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire falls to the Ottoman Turks [Renamed Istanbul]
End of the "Reconquista" Era in Spain
Columbus "Discovers" America (Called "The Encounter")
Martin Luther Posts the Ninety-Five Theses on Church Door in Wittenburg
Start of the Protestant Reformation
Diet & Edict of Worms
Luther Excommunicated From RCC
German Peasants Revolt
Luther Condemns it
HRE Charles V Puts it Down
Sack of Rome
HRE Charles V Proves His Power Over Pope Clement VII
Act of Supremacy
English King Henry VIII Leaves the RCC
Council of Trent: Catholic "Counter-Reformation"
Index of Forbidden Books Created by RCC
Jesuits Created to Convert People to RCC
Battle of Lepanto
Turks Stopped From Invading Europe
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre [August 24]
Huguenot Persecution in France
Edict of Nantes Passed by French King Henry IV
Huguenots Win Religious Freedom in 200 towns
[England] Death of Elizabeth I = End of the Tudor Dynasty
Coronation of James I = Start of the Stuart dynasty
[England] Petition of Right Issued to King Charles I = Habeas Corpus Guaranteed
William Harvey Published Works On Blood Circulation
End of the Thirty Years War
Treaty of Westphalia = Start of Concept of "Balance of Power" Between Countries
HRE Power / Population Crushed by the War
Battle of Vienna
Ottoman Turks Defeated by King Sobieski of Poland W/ Help From HRE
Glorious Revolution in England
Passage of English Bill of Rights & Act of Toleration
England Becomes a Constitutional Monarchy
Act of Settlement Passed in England Paving Way Of Hanoverian Dynasty to Succeed
Brandenburg-Prussia Becomes the Kingdom of Prussia Under Frederick I
Jethro Tull Invents the Seed Drill to Improve Agricultural Efficiency in England
Death of Louis XIV Ends War of Spanish Succession
Start of Industrial Revolution in England
Robespierre Kills Himself = Thermidorian Reaction
Reign of Terror in France Ends
Napoleon Crowns Himself Emperor
Napoleonic Law Code Enacted
Battle of Waterloo
Fall of Napoleon —> Congress of Vienna Meets to End Ideas of Nationalism & Democracy in Europe