introduction to economics
Nondiscretionary government spending
Debt-to-GDP ratio
Discretionary government spending
Income taxes
Fiscal policy
Progressive income tax system
Discretionary fiscal policy
Nondiscretionary fiscal policies
Marginal tax rate
Expansionary fiscal policy
Budget surplus
Recognition lag
Federal debt
Administration lag
Response lag
Government-held debt
Crowding out occurs when
government borrowing pushes up interest rates, which causes a reduction in private consumption and investment.
recognition lag
The time delay between an actual change in economic activity and the ability for policymakers and others to discern the change
Fiscal policy
________ is the use of government spending and taxation to influence the economy.
Non discretionary government spending
________ is determined by current obligations, policies, and demographics, rather than by policymaker discretion.
budget deficit
A(n) ________ occurs when the amount of government spending in a given period is larger than the amount of government revenue from taxes and earnings during that period.
budget surplus
A(n) ________ occurs when the amount of government spending in a given period is less than the amount of government revenue from taxes and earnings during that period.
Contractionary fiscal policy
________ is used to decrease aggregate demand.
Discretionary spending items
________ include spending on national defense, transportation, and education.
The debt-to-GDP ratio measures
the size of a country's debt as a percentage of the country's gross domestic product.
Corporate income tax revenues come from
similar taxes imposed on U.S. corporations, although corporate tax bracket values differ from individual tax brackets.
administration lag
The time it takes for Congress and the president to agree on what fiscal policy to use