British Conservative Party
Political party that originally worked to protect the interests of wealthy landowners.
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British Liberal Party
Political party that in general supported the interests of the business class/industry.
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British Labour Party
British Political party that was formed to support the interests of the working class people pushing for reforms in social safety nets etc.
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Napoleon III
Declared self emperor of France in 1852 but had a "liberal empire" after 1860 where he gave greater power to the legislature in France.
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Paris Commune
Formed by socialists and anarchists in Paris after the end of the rule of Napoleon III, it was an attempt at a society separate from the rest of France based on socialist ideals. It was defeated.
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Social Democratic Party
Working class political party in Germany. Through pressure was able to push for social legislation (health insurance, accident insurance, old age pensions and disability pensions)
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charitable organizations
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Josephine Butler
Presented women prostitutes as vulnerable women preyed upon by ruthless men, instead of criminals. Worked to help give female job skills and against human trafficking.
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temperance movement
organized attempt to ban the sale and consumption of alcohol because they believed it was dragging down working class people.
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Sunday School Movement
provided basic education for working class children that was run primarily by middle class women in England.
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Barbara Smith Bodichon
Led "Ladies of Langdon Place" a group in which advocated for women's suffrage and right to control property.
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Emmeline Pankhurst
most famous of a family of women who fought for women's suffrage in Britain. Organized huge rallies and was not afraid to get attacked, go on hunger strikes.
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Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU)
militant organization for women's right to vote, founded by the Pankhurst family.
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laissez faire
Policy that government should interfere as little as possible in the nation's economy.
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the belief that the government should make more rules for economies and societies in order to curb the most horrible abuses of society and prevent revolution.
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Edwin Chadwick
Social reformer who attempted to change the Poor Laws that jailed people for not having a job and to get sanitary codes and public health standards in Britain's urban areas.
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Georges Haussmann
Urban planner who redesigned Paris under reign of Napoleon III. For both sanitary improvements and military reasons (wider boulevards prevented barricades from going up easily).
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Urban redesign
The effort in many 19th c European cities to widen streets, neighborhood organization, add parks and make generally more livable cities.
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militant feminism
movement in Britain, led by the Pankhursts where they went beyond just talk and petitions to loud demonstrations, civil disobedience, hunger strikes and other shocking actions to draw attention to their cause.
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William Wilberforce
leader in the fight to end slavery in Britain, he accomplished his goal in 1833
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Idea of having a "Garden of Children" where young children will blossom by using play and songs to kickstart learning and a love of learning in young children.
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