Point 1
significance of socialism to revolutionary groups under Alexander II
Most were socialist and believed that the agrarian nature of Russian society prepared the people to become socialist entirely
Substantiated by the revolutionary groups and their aims
use quotes from revolutionaries to support like Alexander Herzen
Point 2
The significance of socialism and Marxism to peasants who were conservative and loyal to the tsar held back growing opposition to him as the large majority of the country were peasants
however, they were naturally socialist through their commune
Substantiate with Peter Lavrov
The peasants didn’t aid opposition to the tsar but socialism was still important to their culture which consequently aided revolution
Point 3
Marxism under Alexander III and the possibility of revolutionary thought
marxism was liked as it was a scientific approach and therefore it developed in the intelligentsia
emergency measures prevented true revolutionary thought
weak argument as Marxism still developed under AIII
He was clearly worried about socialist revolutions he introduced liberal changes such as reducing working hours for women and children despite trying to industrialise Russia
Socialism and Marxism were significant to the growing opposition against the Tsar.