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A number, statement, image, or video that may represent specific data.
A collection of data, such as words, numbers, images or graphics.
Information must be up to date, neither too early nor too late for the end user.
A system must have relevant information in every module.
Information must be correct or precise.
Information should contain only the minimum detail that is appropriate to the user.
Information should be presented in a way that is easy to understand.
Information must be complete based on the requirements.
Interrelated components working together with a common goal to process inputs and outputs.
The information or data a user adds to the system.
The efficiency of data processing that enables processing of millions of data.
The data or information that has been processed and displayed to the end users.
Comments or suggestions in the system used to improve processes for end users.
Managing operations in every process of the system.
System Boundaries
Scope of activities limited for viewing or accessing any module of a system.
Different objectives and interactions that exist within every system.
Subsystem Interface
The connection of each system or subsystem, displaying output from one to the input of another.
System Environment
People, organizations, and other systems that give and receive data from the system.
System Feedback
Feedback necessary for the system to accurately process based on requirements.
Information Systems
Set of interrelated components that collect, process, store, and display output to support decision-making.
Includes hardware, software, people, procedures, and telecommunication within information systems.
Transaction Processing System
The most widely used information system that records data collected at organizational boundaries.
Supply Chain Management System
Manages the sequence of activities including marketing, manufacturing, assembly, packing, and shipping.
Customer Relationship Management System
Manages the relationship between the organization and its customers.
Business Intelligence Systems
Accesses massive data and large databases (data warehouses) to help organizations compete better.
Decision Support System
Helps find actions and answers typical questions like 'What if?'.
Expert Support System
Uses artificial intelligence to preserve expert knowledge and solve problems.
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
A methodical development process, often called waterfall development, consisting of well-defined phases.
Systems Life Cycle
A phased approach to creating systems by dividing development into formal stages.
Systems Analysis
The first stage in a system life cycle that analyzes data and identifies problems.
System Design
Shows how the system will fulfill objectives based on identified requirements.
Translates system specifications from the design stage into program code or software.
Evaluating each module in every simulation to ensure functionalities are in good condition.
Delivery of the new information system, including conversion and training.
Production and Maintenance
The state of a system once the new system is installed.
Ad-Hoc Development
Relies on individual staff skills for small projects they are skilled in.
Waterfall Model
Early structured system development model that remains widely used.
Developed with the assumption that all requirements are known at the project's start.
Spiral Model
Combines features from both the waterfall and prototype models.
Agile Development
Focuses on fast software delivery by splitting projects into small, manageable subprojects.