used the ISCE guid + Geeky medics:
Introduce yourself
Check the patients info (Name, DOB)
Elderly- are you living alone?
Uni student- are you living in shared housing?
Do you work/ used to work? What does your partner work? (e.g. husband comes home with clothes which has asbestos on them and wife cleans it- not both are exposed to the asbestos)
Do they have any pets or hobbies (e.g. bird keeping)?
Do you exercise regularly?
Do you smoke?
How much do you smoke?
Do you drink?
How much do you drink? Like around 4 bottles of wine? (exaggerate to increase the chance of them telling the truth)
When do you drink?
Do you gamble? (depends on the illness- anxiety related)
Do you have any issues with regard to gambling?
Have you travelled recently? (possible to develop pneumonia from aeroplanes) Ask this near the end when you have developed more rapport and trust.
Systemic enquiry
Let them sit first
Listen to the patient
Don't interrupt the patient
Maintain a good posture + good eye contact
Be professional especially with the more sensitive topics
Don't give any personal opinions
If you don't know the answer be honest and say that you will ask and get back
If they mention anything sad or difficult be empathetic and understanding. E.g "That must have been difficult for you"
respect the patients wishes and lead the treatment they way they would like it
Don't give any false hope or exclude a condition completely when it could be a possibility
Be patient
tall + think
Loose + flexible joins
Pectus excavatum or Pectus carinatum
Scoliosis- curved spine
Spondylolisthesis is where one of the bones in your spine (a vertebra) slips forward over another vertebra.
Dural ectasia is a condition where the dura becomes weakened and expands outwards.
Eye problems (DVLA if driving)
aortic aneurysm
Left ventricle hypertrophy
Mitral/ tricuspid stenosis/regurgitation
Stretch marks
An issue with the connective tissue