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The method by which religious missionaries adjust their evangelization methods to match cultural and linguistic elements of the group they are evangelizing.
The process by which a nation establishes a prominent presence by exerting power or control in an area beyond their original borders.
A cultural and intellectual movement of the Renaissance that emphasized the rediscovery of ancient Greece and Rome's literature, art, and civilizations.
A partial or total wiping away of the punishment due for sins that have been forgiven.
New World
A term applied to the Americas, in contrast to the 'Old World' of Europe.
A cultural rebirth that rediscovered ancient civilizations and emphasized the natural and the human.
Western Civilization
The European-based culture framed upon the principles and contributions of ancient Greek and Roman society.
The response of the Catholic Church to the protests of Martin Luther and others who separated from the Church.
Eucharistic Species
The Real Presence of Jesus’ Body and Blood after they have been consecrated by the priest at Mass.
A supernatural appearance of a being greater than human to someone on earth.
The belief that God exists and created the world but refrains from interfering in it.
Immaculate Conception
The dogma that states Mary was free from the stain of Original Sin from her conception.
A false belief that identifies the universe as a manifestation of God.
A philosophy that teaches that human reason, separated from religious belief, can bring knowledge.
Sacred Heart of Jesus
A devotion recognizing Jesus' humanity and love for all people.
Common Good
The collective well-being of society, particularly in social justice matters.
Parochial School
A Catholic school affiliated with a parish community.
An Italian term meaning 'bringing up to date', used to describe the Church's engagement with the world.
Catholic Relief Services
A humanitarian organization that focuses on service to the poor overseas, originally established to aid war-torn Europe.
A governmental system characterized by authoritarianism and suppression of individual rights.
The attempt by Nazi forces to obliterate the Jewish people and other non-Jewish civilians from Nazi-controlled areas.
Synod of Bishops
A periodic meeting of bishops with the pope to discuss and advise on matters related to faith.
New Evangelization
An initiative to spread the Gospel and invite renewed commitment to faith within the Church.