Ultimate Guide AP Spanish Language and Culture (copy)

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Family Structure

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Family Structure

Refers to the organization and relationships within a family, such as roles, values, and interactions.

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Extended family

Describes a family unit that includes multiple generations living together or in close proximity.

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Gender roles

The societal expectations and behaviors associated with individuals based on their gender.

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Respect for elders

The cultural value of showing honor and deference to older members of society.

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Close-knit relationships

Describes strong emotional bonds and frequent interactions within a family.

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Importance of Catholicism

Highlights the significant role of Catholic beliefs and practices in family life.

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Changing family dynamics

Refers to the evolving structures and behaviors within families over time.

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Importance of meals

Emphasizes the significance of shared meals and dining experiences in family relationships.

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Strong family ties

Indicates the importance placed on maintaining close connections and relationships within a family.

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Indigenous Family Structures

Various family arrangements and practices specific to indigenous groups in Spain.

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A branch of Christianity with specific beliefs and practices, influential in Spanish culture.

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Spanish Conquest

Refers to Spain's colonization of the Americas and the impact on indigenous populations.

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Cultural value prioritizing family unity, loyalty, and support over individual needs.

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Cultural value emphasizing traditional masculine roles and behaviors.

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Cultural value emphasizing traditional feminine roles and behaviors.

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Customs and etiquette related to greetings in Spanish culture.

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Lack of Nutritious Food

Challenges related to access to healthy food in Spain.

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Lack of Reliable Energy

Issues concerning Spain's energy sources and supply.

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Refers to the negative treatment, especially of women, due to cultural norms like machismo.

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Lack of Quality Education

Challenges related to the education system in Spain.

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Recovering from Natural Disasters

Efforts and challenges in rebuilding communities after natural calamities.

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Income Inequality

Disparities in income distribution within the population.

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Weak Institutions

Criticisms of Spain's governmental and legal systems.

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Lack of Infrastructure

Issues related to outdated and insufficient public infrastructure.

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Ideological conflicts

Conflicts arising from differing beliefs and identities within Spain.

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Superstitions in Spanish Culture

Includes belief in the "evil eye" and the practice of touching wood to ward off bad luck.

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Importance of Family in Spain

Emphasizes strong family and community ties, with large gatherings and festivals being common.

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Flamenco in Spanish Culture

Signifies the significance of flamenco music and dance in expressing the soul of the Spanish people.

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Connection to History in Spain

Highlights the Spanish pride in their country's historical achievements and cultural contributions.

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Beauty in Spanish Culture

Belleza refers to beauty in Spanish, valued in physical appearance and inner qualities like kindness and intelligence.

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Aesthetics in Spanish Culture

Estética in Spanish, associated with beauty and art, recognizing subjective nature and societal influences.

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Technology for Personal Identity

Spanish speakers use technology to share personal identity, heritage, and culture through social media platforms.

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Technology for Public Identity

Utilizing technology to learn about public identity in Spanish-speaking countries through authentic materials and online communities.

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Pros of Technology in Learning Spanish

Technology enhances learning through engagement, feedback, and access to authentic materials.

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Cons of Technology in Learning Spanish

Overreliance on technology can hinder face-to-face interaction and lead to distractions and misinformation.

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Spanish Art Reflecting Identity

Spanish art reflects the country's diverse cultural and historical identity through various influences and styles.

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Spanish Street Art

Spain's vibrant street art scene, with cities like Madrid and Barcelona known for graffiti and murals reflecting social and political issues.

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Spanish Self-Portraits

Self-portraits are a significant genre in Spanish art history, characterized by intense emotional expression and unique styles.

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Beauty Standards Evolution in Spain

Spanish beauty standards have evolved to embrace diversity and inclusivity, challenging traditional norms.

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Spanish Aesthetics in Daily Life

Blend of traditional and modern styles in Spanish homes, cuisine, fashion, and art, emphasizing simplicity and elegance.

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Public vs

Distinguishes between public identity presented to society and personal identity reflecting individuality and unique characteristics.

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Ethnicities in Spain

Describes various ethnic groups in Spain like Catalan, Basque, Galician, Andalusian, Asturian, and Valencian, each with distinct identities.

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Spanish Art in War and Peace

Spanish art reflects the country's history of war and peace, with themes varying from dark and somber to vibrant and colorful.

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Music in Spanish Art

Spanish music, including flamenco and classical music, has influenced Spanish art, with artists depicting musicians and instruments.

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Spanish Installation Art

Form of artistic expression used in Spain to fight for rights and raise awareness about social issues.

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Spanish Street Art

Known for vibrant colors, intricate designs, and political messages, Spanish street artists like Okuda San Miguel comment on social and political issues.

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Prado Museum

Located in Madrid, it houses European art from the 12th to 19th century, including works by Goya, Velázquez, and El Greco, as well as Flemish and Italian art.

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Movement of people to settle permanently or temporarily; Spanish-speaking countries like the US, Spain, Argentina, and Chile have significant immigration histories.

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Chicano Art

Emerged during the Chicano Movement in the 1960s, reflecting Mexican American experiences with bold colors, symbolism, and political messages.

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Prehistoric Art

Spanish prehistoric art includes cave paintings, megalithic structures, and sculptures like the Altamira Cave's realistic animal depictions.

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Aztec Art

Produced during the Spanish colonial period, influenced by Spanish and European styles, depicting religious and political themes.

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Art in War

Artists like Picasso created works reflecting political turmoil; Republican artists made propaganda, while Nationalists favored traditional forms.

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Spanish Rulers

Commissioned paintings promoting Spanish monarchy's power and wealth by artists like Velázquez and Goya.

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Photography in Spain

Notable photographers like Joan Fontcuberta and Cristina García Rodero capture diverse Spanish landscapes and culture.

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Internet in Cuba

With low penetration rates, the Cuban government heavily controls and restricts internet access, censoring online content.

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Internet in the USA

High penetration rates with various ISPs, popular activities include social media, online shopping, and streaming.

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Vintage Cars in Cuba

Symbol of culture and history, popular among tourists but source of pollution due to outdated engines.

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Cuban Government and Cars

Allowed import of newer cars, expensive for most Cubans, vintage cars remain vital in transportation.

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Social Media for Global Challenges

Powerful tool for awareness, communication, and mobilization, but can spread misinformation and hate speech.

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Black Lives Matter Movement in the USA

Utilized social media for activism, raised awareness on police brutality and systemic racism.

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Mediterranean Diet in Spain

Emphasizes fresh, whole foods, includes olive oil, seafood, legumes, fruits, and vegetables for good health.

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Mate Tradition in South America

Traditional drink symbolizing hospitality and friendship, shared among friends and family.

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Education System in Spain

Divided into stages like Preescolar, Escuela primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato, and Universidad, with formal teacher-student relationships.

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Informal Settlements in Latin America

Many live in slums lacking basic services, risk of eviction, while public housing programs aim to provide affordable housing.

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Barrios cerrados (Gated communities)

Exclusive residential areas in Latin America offering security and amenities, contributing to social segregation.

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Políticas de vivienda (Housing policies)

Diverse approaches in Latin America, from land reform to market-based solutions like mortgage subsidies.

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Desafíos (Challenges)

Persisting issues in housing, including inadequate infrastructure, limited credit access, and insufficient political will to tackle housing deficits.

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Spain's rich musical heritage influenced by Roman, Moorish, and Celtic cultures, featuring genres like Flamenco, Jota, and classical composers.

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Popular sports in Spain like football (La Liga), basketball (Liga ACB), tennis (Rafael Nadal), cycling (Vuelta a España), and controversial bullfighting (Tauromaquia).

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Popular Tourist Spots

Highlighting tourist attractions in Spain such as Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, Valencia, and Granada.

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Spanish Cuisine

Diverse regional dishes like Paella, Tapas, and desserts such as Churros, along with popular drinks like Sangria and Sherry.

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La Crisis Económica

Economic challenges in Spain including high unemployment rates, public debt, low productivity, and regional economic disparities.

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Problemas Ambientales en España

Environmental issues in Spain like climate change, air and water pollution, water stress, and waste management.

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Population and Demographics

Insights on Spain's population growth, aging demographics, urbanization, immigration, and regional differences.

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Ethnic Groups

Overview of ethnic groups shaping Spain's cultural heritage, including Iberians, Romans, Visigoths, Moors, Sephardic Jews, Gypsies, and Asians.

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Social Conscience

Understanding social conscience through the pillars of consciousness, structure, and agency for a more just and equitable society.

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