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what is the equivalent of 1 kcal to kj
4.18 kj
define metabolism
the rate at which body uses kcal
what is the difference between + and - energy balance
(+) is weight gain
(-) is weight loss
define TEE
total energy expenditure
what is the TEE equation
TEE = basal needs + activity + thermogenesis
basal needs = 60-70%
activity = 10-25%
thermogenesis = 5-10%
define basal needs
basic life processes
ex. breathing, respiration etc.
define BEE
basal energy expenditure
amount of energy needed to sustain basic life processes (ex. heartbeat, respiration, heat regulation etc)
define BMR
basal metabolic rate
the same as BEE
what are the two methods to measure BMR
ventilated hood (O2 intake/CO2 output)
human calorimeter
direct (heat)
indirect (O2 uptake/CO2 output)
what is the BMR for men and women
men: 1.0 kcal/kg/h
women: 0.9 kcal/kg/h
define RMR
resting metabolic rate
define REE
resting energy expenditure
what is the relationship between RMR and BMR
RMR 10-20% is higher than BMR
define lean body mass (LBM)
all non-fat components
skeleton, body fluids, muscle
the more lean body mass a person has, the more energy they use/burn
obesity relationship with body fat, LBM, and BMR
as overall body fat increases, overall LBM also increases, and BMR increases
why does the LBM increase w/ obesity
high skeletal muscle to support weight
organs hypertrophy (increase size)
increase in number fat cells
increase vascularization (blood supply)
what is thermogenesis
increase in person’s metabolic rate that occurs in response to a stimulus
what are the types of thermogenesis
exposure to cold (shivering)
dietary-induced thermogenesis (DIT)
why does metabolic rate rise with food intake
digestive process
absorptive process
increased biosynthesis
wdym by digestive process
synthesizing digestive enzymes
hormones for digestive
wdym by absorptive process
active (takes kcal) process
wdym by increased biosynthesis
increased in pro., fat, non essential AA, glycogen
define EER
estimated energy requirement
average dietary kcal intake predicted to maintain a person’s energy balance
what are the two important DRI (2023) updates
EER now more inclusive (all adults, not just “healthy” adults)
whole population
includes important scientific research results from past 20 years
> 50 equations to estimate EER
what activities for an inactive individual
activities of daily living
30 min of walking + 90 min light moderate activity (household tasks, vacuuming, raking)
what activities for a low active individual
activities of daily living
60-80 min of walking at 5-7 km/h
what activities for an active individual
activities of daily living
30-50 min of walking at 5-7 km/h
45 min of moderate cycling
40 min of double tennis
what activities for a very active individual
activities of daily living
45 min of moderate cycling
25 min of jogging at 10 km/h
40 min of doubles tennis