Who is Theseus?
The Athenian Hero
Who was Aegeus?
King of Athens, father of Theseus
What did Aegeus hide and why?
Sword and shoes in a hollow for Theseus to retrieve before going to Athens
Who was Hercules?
A hero, also cousin of Theseus
Who was Sciron?
A man who made those he captured kneel down to wash his feet, then kicked them into the sea
How did Theseus defeat Sciron?
Theseus pushed him into the sea instead
Who was Sinis?
A man who fastened people to bent over pine trees, hurling them into the air or ripping them in half
How did Theseus defeat Sinis?
Theseus tied him to a tree and ripped him in half
How did Theseus defeat Procrustes?
He overpowered Procrustes and tied him to his bed, doing to him what he did to his ‘guests’ and eventually killing him
Who was Medea?
A witch who didn’t want Theseus to ruin the influence she had over Aegeus, so persuaded Aegeus to kill Theseus by saying that he may win over the people and become king
Who was Androgeus?
The son of Minos, killed when Aegeus sent him to kill a dangerous bull
Who was Minos
A king who captured Athens and demanded a tribute of 7 maidens and 7 male youths every 9 years to be eaten by the Minotaur in Crete
Who was the Minotaur?
A half bull, half human offspring of Minos’ wife and a bull
who was Pasiphae?
Minos’ wife who fell in love with a bull given to Minos by Poseidon as a punishment for not sacrificing it
Who was Daedalus?
A man who constructed a labyrinth to contain the Minotaur
What is a labyrinth?
A maze full of intricate passageways
What colour did Theseus promise to change the sail to on his return if he survived?
What did Theseus use to see where in the labyrinth he had been?
Thread which unwound behind him
What was Naxos?
The place where Ariadne was left by Theseus - either she was abandoned or died while Theseus was blown out to sea
Where did the Aegean Sea get its name from?
It is named after Aegeus, who threw himself into the ocean when Theseus forgot to change the colour of his sail to white
Who was Oedipus?
A man cast out by everyone else, and received by Theseus, who cared for him and his two daughters until he died, when he sent the daughters home
Who were the Amazons?
The people whom Theseus and Hercules attacked and brought back either Antiope or Hippolyta, the only people to ever invade Attica
Who is Hippolytus?
The son of Theseus and either Antiope or Hippolyta