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El/la deportista / Una persona que hace deporte
An athlete / someone who engages in sports
El/la Campeón-a / Una personal que gana una competición o concurso
A champion / a person who wins a competition or contest
El Ciclismo / Un deporte con bicicleta
Cycling / a sport involving bicycles.
Responder / Contestar
To respond / to answer
Descubrir / Encontrar
To discover / to find
El sentido de vida / El significado de vivir
The meaning of life / the significance of living.
La bici / La bicicleta
A bicycle
El desafío / El reto
The challenge / the test
Competir / Concursar
To compete in a contest or competition.
Sin / Lo contrario de "con"
Without; the opposite of "with".
Apoyar / Ayuda
To support or help.
La belleza / Lo bonito
Motivar / Ofrecer motivación
To motivate or provide motivation.
Conocerse a sí mismo / Saber cosas de uno mismo
To know oneself or have self-awareness.
Despertarse / Levantarse
To wake up or get up.
Dormir / acostarse
To sleep or go to bed.
To take a shower.
Lavarse los dientes
To brush your teeth
To work
Ver la tele
To watch TV
To have breakfast
Comer / almorzar
To eat / to have lunch
To have dinner
Hacer deporte
To play sports
To study
To cook
Hacer la compra
To do shopping
To take a walk
Sacar / pasear al perro
To walk the dog
Estar con el móvil
To be on the phone
To do makeup
Quedar con amigo/as
To meet with friends
Salir de casa
To leave home
Volver a casa
To go home
Hacer yoga
To do yoga
To read
Tocar un instrumento
To play an instrument
Montar en bici
Ride a bike
Montar a caballo
Ride a horse
Jugar a: fútbol, tenis, baloncesto
To play: soccer, tennis, basketball
Jugar a videojuegos
Play videogames
Ir al gimnasio
Go to the gym
Ir a un concierto
Go to a concert
Ir a un museo/exposición
Go to the museum/exhibition
Ir al cine
Go to the cinema
Ir al teatro
Go to the theatre
Ir a tomar algo
Go have a drink
Ir a una discoteca
Go to the nightclub
Ir a un parque de atracciones
Go to an amusement park
Ir de compras
Go shopping