What shape of pot is this?
Neck Amphora
Who painted it?
The Amais painter
When was it made?
Mid sixth century. 550-530 BC
What is the narrative displayed?
Two maenads, female followers of Dionysus present him with gifts, a hare and a fawn.
What is this pot a first example of?
One main narrative scene being displayed instead of a multitude in different friezes e.g. the Francois vase
Is there compositional symmetry?
The narrative is displayed centrally with both Dionysus and the Maenads showing compositional symmetry as they both face inwards.
The jagged tooth pattern near the foot of the pot draws the eye upwards so the composition focuses in on the narrative.
The large volutes are repeated on both sides of the pot showing compositional symmetry → could be seen as an attempt to fill awkward space.
Detail- Dionysus
What does his pose suggest? What does his prop suggest?
The figure of Dionysus is beautifully characterised through his prop ,the Kantharos, which in his action pose he holds up in offering to the maenads offering them wine and immortality. His empty hand seems to be reaching up to take the maenads offering of the hare. This skilful portrayal of his pose from the potter conveys potential movement, reinforces the narrative and shows a high attention to detail.
Detail- Dionysus
How is hair and drapery presented?
Dionysus wears a crown of ivy which in Ancient Greece was used to supposedly ward off the effects of drinking wine. His hair is intricately incised to create individual strands and also a volute fringe. Dionysus has more dignified drapery compared to the maenads who are wearing animal skins making them seem more primitive.
Detail- The Maenads
How are the two differentiated from each other? How are they posed?
They have different patterns of each of their dresses. The multitude of patterns on the dresses adds variety but could also be viewed as quite jarring.
They a posed in movement with their front foots raised and they are hugging each other to represent closeness and communing with the gods. During orgiastic rites of Dionysus maenads roamed the forests performing frenzied ecstatic dances and were believed to be possessed by the god. Dionysus’ feet are planted showing he is more dignified then them.
Detail- The Maenads
What are the maenads holding? How are they limited by the 2D black figure?
Both of the maenads are holding offerings to Dionysus. One is holding a hare while the other holds a fawn.
They are limited by 2D black figure as it is unclear whose arm is whose.
What is displayed on the secret frieze seen on the shoulder?
Two warriors facing each other posed in battle repeated across the frieze. They are intricately incised with details on their shields and defined musculature.
Who are the two gods on the reverse?
Artemis and Poseidon.
Scholarly Quotes
What does Woodford say about this pot?
‘The painting is a decorative delight’
Scholarly Quotes
What does Robin Osbourne say about this pot?
‘Extreme simplicity of composition’