An organism's or individualâs awareness of, or possibility of knowing what is happening inside or outside itself.
Consciousness just below the level of awareness, containing thoughts and ideas just out of our awareness.
A deeper level of awareness containing thoughts and desires about which we have no true or direct knowledge.
Circadian Rhythm
The 24-hour biological clock that helps change and maintain our body temperature and awareness throughout the day.
A hormone produced by the pineal gland at night to help you sleep; sunlight tells your body to stop producing it.
NREM Sleep
The first three stages of sleep before reaching REM; characterized by distinct brain wave changes.
Stages of Sleep
There are 4 stages of sleep, taking about 90-100 mins to pass through, including NREM and REM sleep.
Stage 1 Sleep
A light transitional sleep lasting 1-5 mins where drowsiness and sleep begin.
Stage 2 Sleep
More stable sleep with sensory blockage; lasts about 20 mins and marked by periodic sleep spindles.
Stage 3 Sleep
Deep sleep where growth hormone is released, occurs mostly in the first third of the night, and is the most restorative.
REM Sleep
High brain activity stage of sleep associated with vivid dreams and rapid eye movement.
Sleep Deprivation Effects
Includes fatigue, impaired concentration, depressed immune system, and greater vulnerability to accidents.
Restorative Theory of Sleep
The theory that sleep is necessary to restore body function after daily wear.
Adaptive Theory of Sleep
The theory that sleep emerged as a protective measure during times of danger.
A disorder characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks, often occurring during stress or joy.
Recurring problems in falling or staying asleep, not defined by the number of hours slept.
Sleep Apnea
A disorder characterized by temporary cessations of breathing during sleep, causing awakenings.
Disorders characterized by abnormal behaviors during sleep, such as sleepwalking or night terrors.
Manifest Content
The remembered storyline of a dream.
Latent Content
The underlying meaning of a dream.
Freudâs Wish Fulfillment Theory
Theory that dreams provide access to our unconscious mind, revealing our wishes and anxieties.
An induced state of altered awareness characterized by heightened suggestibility and deep relaxation.
The degree to which an individual is responsive to hypnotic suggestions.
Posthypnotic Suggestion
A suggestion to be carried out after the subject is no longer hypnotized.
Psychoactive Drugs
Substances that alter perception, mood, or consciousness.
Drugs that reduce neural activity and slow body function, such as alcohol and barbiturates.
Drugs that excite neural activity and speed up body functions, such as caffeine and cocaine.
Psychedelic drugs that distort perceptions and evoke sensory images without sensory input.
Near Death Experiences
Altered states of consciousness reported after a close brush with death, often resembling drug-induced hallucinations.
The presumption that the mind and body are two separate entities.
The belief that the mind and body are part of the same thing.