tympani joint
alar fold
philtrum- center of the nose
nasal cavity
oral cavity
nasal turbance
humidify air
catches dirt
thyroid cartilage
cricoid cartilage
arytenoid cartilage
10 yr MN lab
difficulty breathing
exercise intolerance
struggling to breath cant get air in
laryngeal paralysis
airway doesnt open
give dopram to stimulate deep breathing
they go into respiratory failure and die
idiopathic neuropathy
no certain reason for this
something is happening to the nerves
recurrent laryngeal nerve is very long goes from chest to the neck
innervates almost all of the muscles of the larynx
cricoarytenoideus dorsalis
most important bc it opens larynx
potentially part of a more generalized degenerative poly neuropathy
may be weak on their hindlimbs at the same time
mimic what cricoarytenoideus dorsalis does
you tie aryntenoid cartilage to cricoid or thyroid so that it permanently stays open one side
mostly thyroid
3yr MN french bulldog
chronic snoring
stertorous breathing
upper airway breathing
inspiratory dyspnea at times
trouble breathing
brachycephalic upper airway syndrome
stenotic nares
smaller weak openings
air difficult to get in
enlongated soft palate
bigger and pushed into the airway
hypoplastic trachea
chronic increased respiratory effort can evert the soft tissue between the vocal folds
can obstruct the airways
you just cut them out
2 external parathyroid glands
2 internal parathyroid glands
when u palpate a cats neck while its extended
place thumb and index finger on each side of the trachea and swept downwards from the larynx to the sternum
palpation of a freely moveable, subcutaneous nodule or a “blip” that slips under the fingertips determines the presence of an enlarged thyroid gland
you shouldnt be able to feel anything
should be done routinely
6yr old MN Boxer
1 week of persistent drooling with some blood present
acutely swollen left side of face
FNA of mass large volume of viscous clear fluid
1yr old mc tabby
mild dyspnea
noisy breathing
nasal discharge
nasopharyngeal polyps
benign inflammatory in nature
grow out of the middle ear
young cats
when the 3rd eyelid is prolapsed
doesnt cause any problems
cosmetic to fix
eye would be deviated laterally if something was wrong and would lose function of its dorsal oblique muscle
known as lazy eye
to strength the muscle you could patch the good eye to strength the eye muscles
its pretty hard to do
you want and eye blink but without putting air by the eye
also there jaw wont be able to shut and be salivating everywhere
balance would be off
eyes would be moving back and fourth
testing for hearing is hard