start of fall of french indochina
1954, after japans defeat in ww2, many countries protested colonialism, france attempted to reestablish its position and war broke out in 1946 between ho chi minh and viet minh and france in the north
us involvement in french indochina
still practicing containment, idea of falling dominoes, wanted to avoid vietnam turning to communism, supported france
dien bien phu
1954, french camp seiged by viet minh for months, falls in may and france retreats from vietnam
mid-1954, division of country on 17th parallel, france in south and viet minh control north, no one has outside alliances
us involvement in beginning of 2nd war
sets up its own govt in south vietnam, ngo dinh diem, disliked immensely, by 1959, communists begin large scale insurgency into south and diem is assassinated in 1963 by kennedy administration