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The 1968 Democratic National Convention included massive protests and violent reprisals by police. Where did this convention meet?


Washington DC








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What was the intention of the War Powers Resolution?


Creating regulation to monitor the Military Industrial Complex, heeding the warnings of President Eisenhower


Reduce the president’s ability to wage war without congressional consent


Fund military expenditures through raising taxes as a means of preventing deficit spending


Reform the selective service process to prevent draft dodging

Reduce the president’s ability to wage war without congressional consent

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Roe v. Wade, the court case that legalized abortion hinged on what legal idea?


Community good


Sexual liberation


Right of privacy


Feminist equality

Right of privacy

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The Stonewall incident that catalyzed the gay rights movement occurred when ______


A gay teenager was tortured and murdered in the Midwest


Media leaders began to focus on the experience of gay and lesbian Americans


A prominent gay politician was murdered in San Francisco


Bar patrons in New York City protested a police raid

Bar patrons in New York City protested a police raid

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Who was the leader of the movement to STOP the Equal Rights Amendment?


Richard Nixon


Jerry Fallwell


Phylis Schlafly


Betty Friedan

Phylis Schlafly

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What happened at My Lai?


The Vietnamese launched the Tet Offensive


An American ship was fired upon, leading to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution


U.S. troops massacred hundreds of civilians


An American journalist was killed increasing opposition to the war

U.S. troops massacred hundreds of civilians

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The Kerner Commission explained urban riots as the result of which of the following


Black frustration with the hopelessness of urban poverty


Anger over the failures of the Civil Rights Movement


Poor parenting by African Americans


The provocation of racist urban police departments

Black frustration with the hopelessness of urban poverty

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How did American liberals change their views of poverty during the 1960s?


The War on Poverty created over a million new jobs under the oversight of the federal government


Johnson’s Great Society and its imitators cut government-sponsored job training


Economists demonstrated how structural flaws in the national economy limited opportunities in the private sector


More and more saw poverty from the failure of individuals to take full advantage of the American system

More and more saw poverty from the failure of individuals to take full advantage of the American system

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All of the following led to the economic development of the Sun Belt EXCEPT


A resurgence in southern agriculture


Cheap, nonunionized labor, low wages, and lax regulations stole northern industries away from the Rust Belt


Massive federal subsidies, including military spending created new jobs


The development of modern air conditioning made the climate more tolerable

A resurgence in southern agriculture

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What was the “Nixon Doctrine?”


A military policy of détente


The use of militarized police forces to end urban riots


Commitment to the domino theory


A renewed commitment to send American forces to military conflicts

A military policy of détente

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What initially sparked the 1973 energy crisis?


OPEC’s embargo of oil exports to the United States in retaliation for American intervention in the Middle East


Environmental legislation that eliminated old coal-fired power plants


Price manipulation by American oil companies


Public panic over the Watergate scandal

OPEC’s embargo of oil exports to the United States in retaliation for American intervention in the Middle East

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What was the primary political issue that Carter used in his presidential campaign?


Continuing the progress of the Civil Rights Movement


The reduction of regulation in hopes of kick-starting the economy


Carter’s campaign focused less on issues than on his background as a hardworking, honest, Southern Baptist southerner


Solving the problems of American poverty with a major new federal program

Carter’s campaign focused less on issues than on his background as a hardworking, honest, Southern Baptist southerner

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Which of the following resulted from American commitments to free trade?


Rising prices on international goods


Increased dominance of American exports


Increased diplomatic conflict with other wealthy nations


The relocation of American manufacturing overseas

The relocation of American manufacturing overseas

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What was the primary guiding principle of Carter’s foreign policy during his early years in office?






Domino Theory


Human rights

Human rights

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Incident that occurred in November 1979 in Iran included all of the following EXCEPT:


the deposition of the Shah


the American Embassy was stormed and fifty-two American hostages were taken


another oil crisis when Iran oilfields shut down


Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize when he negotiated the release of the hostages

Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize when he negotiated the release of the hostages

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Which of the following phrases best describes “Reagan Democrats?”


Blue-collar voters who lost faith in the liberal creed


A new brand of Democrats who advocated increasingly liberal programs in attempt to oppose Ronald Reagan


Corporate leaders in the Northeast who traditionally supported Democrats but believed in Reagan’s national security agenda


Southerners who resisted the Civil Rights Act

Blue-collar voters who lost faith in the liberal creed

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How did racism influence the growth of the modern Republican Party?


Richard Nixon’s administration actively recruited black political appointees, creating a backlash against the Republican Party


Members of the Ku Klux Klan were embraced by the Democratic Party, pushing moderates toward the Republicans


Republicans defended white supremacy in their official party platforms


Democrats took the lead in passing civil rights legislation, pushing many white Americans toward the Republican Party

Democrats took the lead in passing civil rights legislation, pushing many white Americans toward the Republican Party

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The Religious Right built a powerful coalition that united conservative evangelicals with what other influential voting group?


Jewish Americans


Mainline Protestants


Conservative Catholics


All of the above

Conservative Catholics

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How did Jimmy Carter respond to the economic crises of the late 1970s?


Actively encouraging Americans to participate in the consumer economy, believing that Americans needed more encouragement to reignite the consumer economy


Proposing a new New Deal in attempt to revitalize American liberalism


Carter took very little action on economic issues, believing that they would resolve themselves


Using approaches championed by conservatives including deregulation, spending cuts, and tax cuts

Using approaches championed by conservatives including deregulation, spending cuts, and tax cuts

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How did Ronald Reagan win over the Religious Right?


Denouncing abortion and prayer in schools


All of the above


Emphasizing his background as a church-goer and Sunday school teacher


Distancing himself from the nation’s racist past by opposing Bob Jones University

Denouncing abortion and prayer in schools

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How did Reagan’s first budget immediately impact the national debt?


There was little change in the national debt


The national debt decreased slightly


The national debt increased dramatically


The national debt decreased dramatically

The national debt increased dramatically

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The presidential election of 1984 convinced the Democratic Party that its future lied with what group?


Upwardly mobile professionals and suburbanites


African Americans


Rural voters


Union members

Upwardly mobile professionals and suburbanites

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All of the following aspects of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 are true EXCEPT:


Lowered top corporate tax rate from 46% to 34%


Simplified the tax code


Increased federal revenues


Reduced the highest marginal rate from 50% to 28%

Increased federal revenues

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Thirty-seven year old white engineer, Bernard Goetz shot and seriously wounded four black teenagers on a subway car because he suspected the young men–armed with screwdrivers– planned to rob him. What percentage of white New Yorkers sympathized with Goetz?










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Which of the following industries experienced the most economic growth under Reagan?



Financial Services




Organized Laborers

Financial Services

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Why was the federal government slow to respond to the AIDS crisis?


Concerns about the deficit discouraged new research spending


The disease was portrayed as an international problem, not an American problem


The surgeon general opposed allocating research funding, believing that it would be better used to fight cancer


The issue disproportionately affected gay Americans, a marginalized group

The issue disproportionately affected gay Americans, a marginalized group

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Which of the following best describes the “Reagan Doctrine?”


The importance of triangulation to play communist nations off of one another


Avoiding international engagement in favor of domestic economic investment


The United States committed to supplying aid to anti-communist forces everywhere in the world


A commitment to détente

The United States committed to supplying aid to anti-communist forces everywhere in the world

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Which of the following statements regarding the Iran Contra Affair are true?


The project was authorized by the 1984 Boland Amendment


Reagan escaped prosecution despite proof that he authorized the operation


The goal was the raise money to support the anti-Sandinista government in Nicaragua


All of the above

The goal was the raise money to support the anti-Sandinista government in Nicaragua

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Which leader of the Soviet Union advocated the projects of glasnost and perestroika?


Mikhail Gorbachev


Leonid Brezhnev


Konstantin Chernenko


Yuri Andropov

Mikhail Gorbachev

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The Dow Jones Industrial Average–which stood at 950 in 1981–reached _______ by the end of Reagan’s second term.










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George H. W. Bush defeated Michael Dukakis by doing all of the following EXCEPT


Updating New Deal programs for a new era


Appealing to racial resentment among white voters


Promising to continue the conservative work of the Reagan administration


Using his son to solidify his relationship with the religious right

Updating New Deal programs for a new era

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Which of the following best describes global economic trends in the early 1990s?


Massive economic growth inspired by government investment and war


Liberalized economic laws and rising international investment


A final resurgence of global communism


Spiraling trade wars

Liberalized economic laws and rising international investment

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Which of the following instigated the First Gulf War, also known as Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm?


This was not a war as Congress never authorized military action


Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait


Soaring gas prices


All of the above

Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait

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The wave of politicians, called New Democrats, advocated all of the following EXCEPT


Tax cuts


The end of mass incarceration


Welfare reform


Free trade

The end of mass incarceration

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Which of the following took place in the 1990s, representing a new trend in immigration?


Increased immigration to the American South


The decline of anti-immigrant sentiment


Declining immigration from Latin America


All of the above

All of the above

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Why did President Clinton fail to secure universal healthcare?


All of the above


Attack ads funded by the healthcare industry


Resistance from conservatives


Hesitancy among Democrats in Congress

All of the above

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All of the following occurred during the Clinton administration EXCEPT


Restricting access to welfare benefits


Passage of NAFTA


Allowing openly gay men and women to serve in the military


Significant economic growth

Allowing openly gay men and women to serve in the military

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The 2000 presidential election was decided when


A recalculation of electoral college votes from Pennsylvania tipped the scale


The Supreme Court ruled that the automatic recount had to cease immediately


The Florida recount concluded that George W. Bush had received 863 more votes


Al Gore conceded privately to George W. Bush

The Supreme Court ruled that the automatic recount had to cease immediately

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Which of the following best describes the so-called Bush Doctrine?


Contact between the executive and legislative branches should occur via the Vice President’s office


Financial services firms deemed “too big to fail” should be rescued with federal funds


Cutting taxes will increase government revenue


The United States should act unilaterally and preemptively to fight terrorism

The United States should act unilaterally and preemptively to fight terrorism

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What was the primary rationale used to justify the Iraq War?


The expansion of democracy and alleviation of human rights abuses


Saddam Hussein’s alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction


Reduction of global gas prices


The defeat of al-Qaeda cells

Saddam Hussein’s alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction

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According to economists at JPMorgan Chase, was the greatest factor in the unprecedented profit margins of the early 2000s?


Improved communication systems


Reductions in wages and benefits


A more educated workforce


The exploding cost of medical care

Reductions in wages and benefits

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The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) mimicked policy proposals of all the following politicians EXCEPT:


Bill Clinton


Richard Nixon


Newt Gingrich


Mitt Romney

Bill Clinton

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Which of the following best describes the ruling of Citizens United v. FEC?


Judicial oversight does not have authority over partisan gerrymandering


Federal officials must verify the citizenship status of all individuals counted in the decennial census


a. No limits could be placed on political spending by corporations, unions, and nonprofits


The torture that occurred at Guantanamo Bay violated both the U. S. Constitution and international human rights law

a. No limits could be placed on political spending by corporations, unions, and nonprofits

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All of the following distinguish millennials from earlier generations EXCEPT


Less religious


More liberal


Less likely to have traveled


More burdened by debt

Less likely to have traveled

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In 2012, nearly _______ of all Americans were immigrants or the sons or daughters of immigrants.


one fourth


one fifth


one half


one eighth

one fourth

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Economic problems during the early 1970s included all of the following EXCEPT:


25 percent unemployment.


rising energy costs.


high inflation.


increased gas prices.

25 percent unemployment.

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Former president ________ won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002.


George Herbert Walker Bush


Gerald Ford


Jimmy Carter


Richard Nixon

Jimmy Carter

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In the Camp David Agreement, President Carter presided over:


a meeting that addressed the nation's continuing inflation problems.


a treaty that normalized relations between Egypt and Israel.


an international forum on energy consumption.


talks that led to the United States and U.S.S.R. cutting defense spending.

a treaty that normalized relations between Egypt and Israel.

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Jimmy Carter achieved all the following aspects of his energy policy, EXCEPT:


increased use of wind power.


creation of a Department of Energy.


a tax increase on oil and natural gas.


tax breaks for solar power.

a tax increase on oil and natural gas.

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President Nixon's domestic policies included:


rejecting price and wage freezes in dealing with a struggling economy.


extending Lyndon Johnson's extensive aid to troubled cities.


funneling more money to suburbs through "no-strings" grants.


cordial public relations with New Left reformers.

funneling more money to suburbs through "no-strings" grants.

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SALT II was technically killed when the Soviet Union invaded ________ in 1979.









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Tapes of White House meetings revealed that President Nixon:


had no knowledge of the "enemies list."


had lied about his innocence in the Watergate cover-up.


did not want to run for reelection.


was actually opposed to the Vietnam War.

had lied about his innocence in the Watergate cover-up.

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The Pentagon Papers detailed American military involvement in:




the Dominican Republic in 1965.


the support of various right-wing dictators in Latin America.




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The Watergate crisis revealed all of the following EXCEPT:


the separation of powers could no longer reign in a power-hungry president.


Richard Nixon was driven by an overwhelming urge for power.


special prosecutors can function independently of the White House.


many members of the administration had broken the law.

the separation of powers could no longer reign in a power-hungry president.

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The roots of the Iranian hostage crisis resided in:


economic inflation in the United States.


America's isolationist stance in foreign affairs.


Jimmy Carter's emphasis on human rights.


the Shah of Iran's despotic regime.

the Shah of Iran's despotic regime.

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The term détente has been used to describe President Nixon's:


psychological state in the last years of his presidency.


campaign of illegal wiretapping of alleged "enemies" of his administration.


foreign policy that eased tensions between the United States and China and the Soviet Union.


threat to use nuclear weapons in the Vietnam War.

foreign policy that eased tensions between the United States and China and the Soviet Union.

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The plumbers were:


a political-action group that lobbied for environmental reform.


members of the Nixon administration who engaged in illegal activities.


a violent wing of the Students for a Democratic Society.


a group of working-class hippies.

members of the Nixon administration who engaged in illegal activities.

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Aspects of the national economy in the 1980s included: 


a widening of the gap between the rich and the poor. 


the highest inflation rates ever recorded. 


the development of millions of new jobs. 


increased participation in the stock market. 

a widening of the gap between the rich and the poor. 

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Federal tax and spending policies of the 1980s made life more difficult for: 


people seeking employment in Sunbelt cities. 


wealthy corporations. 


middle-class workers caught in industrial restructuring. 


the wealthiest members of American society. 

middle-class workers caught in industrial restructuring. 

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Gorbachev's "Sinatra doctrine" essentially stated that eastern European countries: 


would have to follow directions from the Soviet Union. 


would have to operate within a set of guidelines provided by the Soviet Union. 


could liberalize in their own ways without interference from the Soviet Union. 


should seek to join NATO. 

could liberalize in their own ways without interference from the Soviet Union. 

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In its first term, the Reagan administration did all of the following, EXCEPT: 


increase the national debt. 


increase federal funds for school lunches. 


decrease environmental regulation. 


increase defense spending. 

increase federal funds for school lunches. 

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In the Iran-Contra affair, Oliver North: 


testified that President Reagan was solely to blame. 


funneled illegal arms sales funds to Nicaraguan rebels. 


was completely honest in his testimony. 


was innocent of any unconstitutional actions. 

funneled illegal arms sales funds to Nicaraguan rebels. 

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In the election of 1988, George H.W. Bush defeated: 


George McGovern. 


Jimmy Carter. 


Walter Mondale. 


Michael Dukakis. 

Michael Dukakis. 

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One effect of deregulation was: 


more economic power for the poor. 


the strengthening of organized labor unions. 


the destruction and bail-out of the savings and loan industry. 


big business withdrawing its support for President Reagan. 

the destruction and bail-out of the savings and loan industry. 

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Outcomes of the Persian Gulf War included all of the following EXCEPT: 


the achievement of President Bush's goal to restore the "status quo." 


a general belief that American military technology was superior. 


the toppling of Saddam Hussein from power. 


the outburst of civil war in Iraq. 

the toppling of Saddam Hussein from power. 

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President Bush's call for U.S. military involvement in the Persian Gulf came when: 


the United Nations decided to support Saddam Hussein's claim in Kuwait. 


Iraq invaded Kuwait and gained control of its oil production.


the Soviet Union sent its forces into southern Iraq. 


Saddam Hussein's forces engaged in a bitter war with Iran. 

Iraq invaded Kuwait and gained control of its oil production.

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President Reagan reacted to Mikhail Gorbachev's offers of Soviet military cutbacks: 


after Gorbachev was removed from office. 


by refusing to meet with the Soviet leader.


by embracing the Soviet Union's new positions. 


with great suspicion. 

by embracing the Soviet Union's new positions. 

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President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative: 


emphasized the use of traditional weapons rather nuclear arsenals. 


created an expensive defense plan based on super-lasers and satellites. 


was defeated in the House of Representatives. 


was opposed by heads of the defense industry. 

created an expensive defense plan based on super-lasers and satellites. 

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Some of Reagan's most articulate support for president came from this group, who feared that the United States was losing influence in the world. 


Anti-Communists from both parties 


Conservative Democrats 


Liberal Republicans 


The Moral Majority 

Anti-Communists from both parties 

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The Economic Recovery and Tax Act of 1981 did all of the following things EXCEPT: 


provide more funds for social welfare programs. 


put more money in the hands of consumers. 


reduce the amount of money taken in by the federal government. 


attempt to stimulate business activity. 

provide more funds for social welfare programs. 

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The Reagan Doctrine called for: 


cooperation with Gorbachev. 


an overall reduction in nuclear arms. 


the support of global human rights to be the number-one foreign policy priority. 


America to support anti-Marxist movements throughout the world. 

America to support anti-Marxist movements throughout the world. 

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Which statement about the American poor is true? 


The percentage of poor people had decreased in the period 1960-1973. 


Homelessness was less visible in the 1980s and affected only a handful of Americans. 


Analysts began to refer to an underclass who was left out of the economic mainstream. 


In the 1980s, there was an increase in the number of Americans living in poverty. 

In the 1980s, there was an increase in the number of Americans living in poverty. 

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Which statement about the Iran-Contra affair is NOT true? 


The arms deal contradicted the United States' claim that it wouldn't negotiate with terrorists. 


Many illegal activities were involved in the arms-for-hostages dealings. 


The Reagan administration defied its trade embargo with Iran. 


President Reagan and Vice President George Bush were unaware of any wrongdoings. 

President Reagan and Vice President George Bush were unaware of any wrongdoings. 

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After Richard Nixon's election, it became apparent that:


he did not have a secret plan to end the war.


antiwar protests would immediately decline.


Vice President Agnew would not support Nixon's war policies.


relations with the Soviet Union would worsen.

he did not have a secret plan to end the war.

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All of the following statements about the Black Panthers are true EXCEPT:


they focused entirely on national rather than local goals.


their goals were expressed in the creation of a political program.


they began free breakfast programs in northern ghettos.


stopping police brutality was one of their expressed goals.

they focused entirely on national rather than local goals.

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All of the following statements are true about the American Indian Movement EXCEPT:


it sought to assert Native American distinctiveness within American society.


the organization refused to ally itself with other Indian groups.


the organization attempted to protect Indians from police brutality.


it aimed to increase economic opportunities for Native Americans.

the organization refused to ally itself with other Indian groups.

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Millions of young people in the second half of the 1960s expressed their alienation from American society by sampling drugs or chasing the rainbow of a youth culture; this is referred to as:


the "yuppie culture."


the "drug culture."






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Reies López Tijerina led a movement that:


condemned anti-union businesses in Texas.


resulted in his nomination for president.


demanded the return of land to Hispanics in New Mexico.


rejected local organization and grass-roots democracy.

demanded the return of land to Hispanics in New Mexico.

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The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution:


gave President Johnson the power to wage undeclared war in Vietnam.


caused the Soviet Union to dismantle its nuclear missiles in Cuba.


resulted in the resignation of Richard Nixon.


declared that President Kennedy had been killed by a lone gunman.

gave President Johnson the power to wage undeclared war in Vietnam.

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The impact of the Tet Offensive was magnified by all of the following facts EXCEPT:


television coverage that appeared to show a Viet Cong victory.


U.S. officials had predicted that American armies were near victory.


the permanent loss of Saigon due to the Viet Cong's surprise offensive.


the U.S. embassy in Saigon was momentarily taken over by guerrillas.

the permanent loss of Saigon due to the Viet Cong's surprise offensive.

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The majority of the draftees and enlistees for military service in Vietnam:


averaged about 25 years of age.


were college students.


came from the Lower South.


were from working-class families.

were from working-class families.

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The phrase "Black Power" was connected to all of the following EXCEPT:


controlling local black communities through political activism.


the messages of speeches given by Stokely Carmichael and Malcolm X.


celebrating African-American heritage.


the emphasis of Christian love in civil-rights strategies.

the emphasis of Christian love in civil-rights strategies.

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The search-and-destroy strategy began to fail because:


Congress would not expand use of the military draft.


the United States was reluctant to back up infantry detachments with air strikes.


the Chinese sent reinforcements to the aid of North Vietnam.


South Vietnamese guerrillas were more of a force than North Vietnam's troops.

South Vietnamese guerrillas were more of a force than North Vietnam's troops.

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Which of the following is not considered one of the more provocative albums of the 1960s?


Jailhouse Rock


Rubber Soul


Highway 61 Revisited


Surrealistic Pillow

Jailhouse Rock

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Which of the following was NOT a member of SEATO?


United States








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______________________argued that “the existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward explain American development.


Social Darwinism


Germ Theory


The Frontier (Turner) Thesis


None of the Above

The Frontier (Turner) Thesis

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________________________________is often considered to be the most important event in American economic history.


The Panic of 1873


Construction of the Trans Continental Railroad


The Depression of 1893


None of the Above

Construction of the Trans Continental Railroad

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Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle is considered a good source about factory conditions in the early 1900s because


he used information he heard from others


he used information written by someone biased about factories


he used first-hand knowledge based upon observation


he used material published by factories

he used first-hand knowledge based upon observation

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Primary sources in historical research are


writings about the primary actors in the event


the best historians that write of the event


documents that are composed or created during the event


the writings of historians with a non-biased view.

documents that are composed or created during the event

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Most women of the 1880’s entered the workforce


for independence


to earn spending money


out of economic necessity


None of the Above

out of economic necessity

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McKinley’s election in 1896 is often viewed as the final victory of


rural America over urban America


urban America over rural America


the Hamiltonian vision over the Jeffersonian vision


Both B and C are correct

Both B and C are correct

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Even historians critical of the captains of industry and capitalism generally concede that class-based protest has never been a powerful force in the United States because


most employers treated their employees well


of America’s unique social mobility


the Captains of Industry did not allow protest to take root


None of the Above

of America’s unique social mobility

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Even historians critical of the captains of industry and capitalism generally concede that class-based protest has never been a powerful force in the United States because


most employers treated their employees well


of America’s unique social mobility


the Captains of Industry did not allow protest to take root


None of the Above

of America’s unique social mobility

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In attempting to analyze the census of the Great Depression, a reliable account would entail an examination of data from


the children of the unemployed during the Great Depression


European national budgets


1920s tax policy and market focus


The Department of Agriculture

the children of the unemployed during the Great Depression

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America’s “god given” mission to spread Anglo-Saxon culture and the protestant faith to the “backward peoples” of the world is often referred to as


the “white man’s burden”


100% Americanism





the “white man’s burden”

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___________________________, perhaps more than any other event will shape the remainder of the 20th century.


World War II


The Korean Conflict


The Cold War


None of the Above

World War II

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Photographs and letters from American soldiers posted in Vietnam during the war would be critically used in writing an account of


anti-war movements


American foreign policy


morale of American troops


the Viet-Cong

morale of American troops

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Ken Burns’ recent documentary on the Vietnam War would be considered a primary source for historical research.






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_______________________prohibited discrimination in employment or the use of public places on the basis of race, sex, religion, or national origin.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964


The Voting Rights Act of 1965


The Johnson Act


None of the Above

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

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A turning point on the Eastern Front came when:


Allied forces defeated the Germans at El Almein.


the Americans defeated the Japanese navy at the Battle of Midway.


the Soviet Union forced a German surrender after the Battle of Stalingrad.


FDR sent 2 million troops to the aid of the battered Soviet Union.

the Soviet Union forced a German surrender after the Battle of Stalingrad.