Culture Media according to Use
Simple/ General Purpose / Supportive Media
Are routinely used in the laboratory and without added supplement
Simple/ General Purpose / Supportive Media
Are media that support the growth of most non-fastidious bacteria
Simple/ General Purpose / Supportive Media
These are made up of meat and soybean extracts
Enrichment Broth (Liquid-type Media)
It is used to propagate the growth of certain groups of organisms
Enrichment Broth (Liquid-type Media)
They contain specific nutrients
Enrichment Broth (Liquid-type Media)
It can also be used as supplement to agar plates to detect aerobes, anaerobes, and microaerophiles
Enrichment Broth (Liquid-type Media)
These media are incubated for a certain period and then subcultured to isolate the desired microorganisms
Enriched and Non-selective Media
These are media with added supplements such as blood (Type O), vitamins, and yeast extract, necessary for the growth of fastidious organisms
Non-selective Media
it allows the growth of all organisms including fastidious organisms (no inhibitory agents)
Blood Agar Plate (BAP)
the standard nonselective culture medium
Chocolate Agar Plate (CAP)
Agar Plate with horse blood is used for the isolation of Haemophilus wherein blood is lysed by heating
Hemin and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
growth requirement for Neisseria spp and Haemophilus spp
Differential Media
These media allow the visualization of metabolic differences between groups of bacteria
Differential Media
Media in which change in the phenotypic characteristics of the media
MacConkey Agar
lactose fermenters (pink colonies)
non-lactose fermenters (colorless colonies)
differentiates lactose fermenters from non-lactose fermenters; color indications
Blood Agar Plate (BAP)
differentiates hemolytic pattern of Streptococci
Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB)
E. coli (greenish metallic sheen)
other lactose fermenting bacteria (dark purple colonies)
differentiates (E. coli) greenish metallic sheen colonies from other lactose fermenting bacteria (dark purple colonies); color indications
Salmonella (bluish green with black centers)
Shigella (green)
Other coliforms (orange or salmon pink)
identifies the Salmonella and Shigella (bluish green colonies with black centers) from Shigella (green colonies) while the other coliforms appear orange or salmon pink colonies
CLED (Cystine Lactose Electrolyte Deficient) agar
Lactose-fermenting bacteria (yellow)
Lactose-non-fermenting bacteria (colorless/pale)
characterizes those bacteria that utilize lactose (both yellow colonies and medium), and it is recommended for urine culture
Selective Media
These are media incorporated with antibiotics, dyes, or chemicals to inhibit the growth of other organisms while promoting the growth of the desired organism
Selective Media
Has inhibitory substances that prevent the growth of other organisms and promote the growth of target organisms
Special Media
used to isolate bacteria with specific growth requirements
Löwenstein–Jensen medium; cauliflower-like colonies
has egg and malachite green that facilitates the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis; colony shape