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what is the gray matter pattern of cerebral cortex starting from outside and moving in towards the central canal?
gray - white - gray
association fibers serve to connect:
different parts of the same cerebral hemisphere
what is a shallow groove separating adjacent gyri (ridges)?
the filium terminale
anchors the spinal cord to coccyx
the thin, delicate connective tissue layer directly inferior to the anchoid space is called
pia mater
what is the internal sensory receptors monitoring changes in skeletal muscle spindle length?
intrafusal muscle fibers
what coarse connective tissue covers groups of nerve fibers known as fascicles?
vibration, touch, an pressure stimuli are all detected by:
the stretch reflex is also called a ____ reflex
the spinal nerve ventral root contains _______ _______ fibers:
visceral efferent
sympathetic fibers leave spinal cord in the _____ regions whose postganglionic fibers secrete _________.
thoracolumbar / norepinephrine
which of these effectors (target organs) is directly controlled by the somatic nervous system?
skeletal muscle
what effect would acetylcholine have when binding to a cholinergic muscarinic receptor?
either stimulation or inhibition
which of the following is true about the autonomic nervous system (ANS)?
involuntary motor control
what effector is innervated (supplied) by sympathetic neurons but not by parasympathetic neurons?
sweat gland