What does the design argument suggest?
The design argument suggests that because the world is well-ordered gives us strong evidence for the existence of a creator God.
Richard Dawkins says what explains the illusion of design?
Richard Dawkins theory is that the illusion of design in the world is explained by Darwin’s natural selection
What is stewardship
Stewardship means caring for the planet and implies that humans have a duty to ensure that the demands placed on natural resources can be met.
What’s a Christian quote in support of stewardship
‘You made them (humans) rulers’ Psalm 8
What is a Buddhist quote supporting stewardship
‘We should not harm ourselves’
What are points in support of abortion
It’s a woman’s choice
Financial concerns
Unwanted child
What are points against abortion
other options
wrong to end human life
What is the church of england’s view on abortion
Strong opposition to abortion but there can be strictly limited conditions which it may be morally preferable
Roman catholic view on abortion
Never - “thou shall not kill”
Buddhist view on abortion
Ahimsa (non-violence) would go against Abortion?
However the Buddha himself hastened his own death eating food known to be lethal/ Some would say it was acceptable in some cases.
Humanist view on abortion
Depends on situational ethics
What is the sanctity of life?
Life is precious/ sacred because humans are made in gods image. Many think only humans have this status.
Christian view on sanctity of life
Life was created by god, so it should only be taken by god.
Buddhist view on sanctity of life
Do not believe in God but each life is bound to all others- so all life should be treated with kindness
Humanist view on sanctity of life
Life has importance because you only have one
What is the quality of life & what makes a good one
The extent to which life is meaningful and pleasurable, If we are relatively free from pain, if we live in freedom and dignity (self-respect) then we have a good quality of life
What are supporting arguments of euthanasia
end pain and suffering/Quality of life
Arguments against euthanasia
Opt for it when not needed/Sanctity of life
Can you be euthanised in the UK
You cannot be euthanised or travel to where its legal by uk law
What is euthanasia?
Sometimes referred to as ‘mercy killings’ its the act of killing a person either directly or indirectly as a decision has been reached that death is the best option.
Roman catholic views on euthanasia
never allowed
‘thou shall not kill’
Liberal views on euthanasia
acceptable with proof that you won’t get better
would consider turning off life support/ supportive measures that prolong life
church of wales is neutral
Buddhist views on euthanasia
Ahisma (non violence ) would go against euthanasia
Many Buddhists feel compassion
Buddha himself hastened his own death
Humanist view on abortion
uses situational ethics
What is a hospice
Places where people go for treatment before they die, or to give family members breaks. Not a religious place but founder dame Saunders said religion inspired her.
What did dame Saunders say quality of life & why we need hospices
‘We should concern ourselves with the quality of life as well as its length’
How long are hospice breaks
10-14 days
How many deaths occur in hospices
Upwards of 4%
What organs can you donate alive
Part of liver
parts of skin
Part of intestine/ pancrease
What organs can you donate when dead
lungs/ kidneys/ heart
liver/ intestine/ pancrease
eye cornea
Who said “Giving organs is the most generous act of self-giving imaginable”
The archbishop of wales
What is the welsh organ donation system
The ‘opt-out’ system. You’re automatically a donor unless you opt-out.
What did the dalai lama say about abortion
"I think abortion should be approved or disapproved according to each circumstance."