What type of pot is this?
Belly Amphora (curve of figures backs echoes the curve of the pot)
Who made this pot?
When was it made?
540-530 BC,Mid 6th century
What is the context?
Ajax and Achilles, seated on low stools, lean forward playing a board game that the helmeted Achilles is winning: tessera (four) is written beside him; tria (three) by Ajax
Is there compositional symmetry?
Both figures are facing inwards mirroring each others pose, their are shields on both sides. The games table is the central focus emphasise the concentration on the game and its importance. Asymmetric helmet on Ajax’s shield. The jagged tooth pattern near the foot of the pot draws the eyes upwards.
What pattern is on the handles and foot of the pot?
Ivy pattern on the handles and a jagged tooth pattern near the foot of the pot to draw the eyes upwards.
How is variety created?
The plethora of patterns incised intricately on Achilles’ and Ajax’s armour offer an aesthetically pleasing contrast to the minimalistic negative black space on the rest of the pot. This purposefully allows the viewer to focus in on the main narrative without feeling overwhelmed by other narratives.
EXAMPLES: Geometric meander pattern seen on the hem of Achilles’ armour and the volute pattern going through his armour.
How had the artist created tension between the two warriors which furthers the narrative?
Ajax is clutching his spears tightly together unlike Achilles who has a loose relaxed hold on them. Ajax has double lined eyebrows making them appear more furrowed in frustration and concentration unlike Achilles calm one lined eyebrows. Ajax’s lips are pursued in annoyance and his feet are posed for movement with his heel slightly peaked up, he appears tense.
How is depth created?
The spear of Ajax is clearly positioned on his left shoulder and falls in front of the table. Achilles spear is on his right shoulder behind the table appearing further away.
What makes this pot less aesthetically pleasing?
The incisions used to represent the anatomical features of Achilles and Ajax clash jarringly with the rest of the pot as the artist using volutes and other unclear patterns to try and show the musculature in the thighs but fails poorly and ends up creating something that seems far more primitive then the rest of the pot.
Scholarly Quotes
What does Woodford say about this pot?
‘Exekias took care to adjust the elements of his drawing to the shape of the vessel he was decorating’
‘… delianeated with the most exquisite detail… incision of extraordinary delicacy’
What does John Griffith Pedley say about this pot?
‘Seemingly peaceful, this scene is full of foreboding, ominous with pent up rage shortly to be released’