Who invented the cotton gin which once again made slavery vital to the Southern economy?
Eli Whitney
According to Webster government derives its authority from its written constitution.
Webster considered the possibility that the Union would be dissolved
Who was the greatest Southern spokesman?
John C. Calhoun
Of the following which is not one of the things the North must do to preserve the Union according to Southern standards?
admit all future states as slave states
In what department of government does Calhoun say the North has gained power?
In every department of government
Who was Lincoln's main opponent in 1860?
Stephen A. Dougles
What amendment to the Constitution did the South advocate?
They advocated an amendment to the Constitution that would guarantee slavery in the South forever.
Lincoln argued in his First Inaugural Address that a State can never lawfully get out of the Union.
Along with Lincoln, who else signed the Emancipation Proclamation?
William H. Seward
Of the following which was not one of the reasons that allowed for a proliferation of business growth in the "Gilded Age"?
the forced removal of Native Americans from east of the Mississippi River
Among the following who was not one of the American business leaders of this time period?
James Dupont
What movement swayed people away from Social Darwinism?
Which mode does Carnegie believe is "the true antidote for the temporary unequal distribution of wealth, the reconciliation of the rich and poor"?
The administration of wealth during the lives of its possessors
What organization took on labor's battles in the 1880's?
The American Federation of Labor
According to Frederick Jackson Turner, what secures political power?
economic power
According to Gompers, what has reperssion or oppresion never succeeded in doing?
Crushing the truth or redressing the wrong
According to Booker T. Washington, how much of the Southern population is "Negro"?
The farmers’ attitudes toward the two party system was that since neither of the two major parties were sympathetic to their needs, the farmers realized that they needed something else
Which party is more conductive to silver backing money?
Roosevelt considers "the central condition of progress" to be the coinciding and agreement between men who possess more than they have earned and the men who have earned more than they possess.
What does Roosevelt say in regard to tax increases?
He wants an increase on money earned through stock speculations
What does Roosevelt consider to be the most important element in a man’s career?
Individual character or morals
Wilson proposed labor laws to ensure safety of employees in order to prevent capitalist oppression
Of the following which is not one of the three things Pope Benedict XV maintained throughout the Great War?
That Germany should have to pay reparations for starting the war
What is the name of the idea Wilson proposed in his fourteen points?
The League of Nations
What would happen to those German citizens resident in the Czech-Slovak states as of the commencement of the treaty?
They were to become nationals of the Czech-Slovak state
What had been the keynote for years after the War of 1812 and what was the era known as?
Nationalism had been the keynote, the era was “Era of Good Feelings”
What were some of the changes brought about by legislation, largely introduced by Republicans?
Armed forces were strengthened, roads and canals were built, a second bank was established, and wartime tariffs were put in place
What was the result of the Missouri Compromise?
Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine was admitted as a free state
Did the South tend more toward industrialism or toward agrarian society?
Agrarian Society
John C. Calhoun and Daniel Webster are called by what name?
They are called “sectionalists” because they’re both heavily committed to their own sections
What did Webster say created the Union and what did not create the Union?
The States had NOT created the Union, rather it was the creature of all the people whose political organ was superior to others
Who was the West’s representative in the sectional debate and what did he say?
Andrew Jackson, and he said “Our Federal Union - It must be preserved!”
What 2 rights of the people does Webster discuss?
The right of the people to reform the government and the right to resist unconstitutional laws
What is Webster’s “Great Question”?
“Whose prerogative is it to decide the constitutionality or unconstitutionality of the laws?”
Where does government derive its authority?
From the people who have given power to the general government
What is the relation between federal and state governments?
Neither can be called primary
What state was involved in a battle over the constitutionality of a tariff?
South Carolina
Who has the last appeal regarding the constitutionality of a law?
Judicial Power
Who is better equipped to protect against oppression than state government, according to Webster?
Federal Government
What does Webster say about Liberty and the Union?
“Liberty first, Union afterwards.”
What did Calhoun perceive the North was doing to the South?
That the North was making the South a economical and political minority
How many slave owners were there in the South in 1860?
384,000 out of 8 million people
Whose defense of slavery perhaps best expressed the Southern pro-slavery question?
George Fitzhugh’s work, Sociology for the South
Even though most poor whites in the South did not own slaves, what was their opinion of slavery?
That their whiteness gave them superiority
What sort of philosophy did Calhoun believe?
That majority rules
What did South Carolina do in 1832?
They proclaimed the tariff of that year void within the state
What metamorphosis did Calhoun go through during his career?
Nationalist to Sectionalist
What did Calhoun insist the South accept?
An unconditional guarantee of slavery in all territories
Who was the “Great Compromiser”?
Henry Clay, aka not a bestie of Calhoun
What must the North do to preserve the Union, according to Southern standards?
The North must enforce the fugitive slave laws
What sort of presidency did Calhoun advocate?
A dual presidency
Is there one political party in the South?
No, its Whigs and Democrats
What are the 2 causes of the agitation between the North and South?
The North’s aggressions against Southern rights and the South’s fight to preserve slavery
How does Calhoun think the Union can be saved?
By a full and final settlement, on the principle of justice, of all the questions at issue between the two sections
What does the South ask for, simply?
They ask for justice, simple justice, and less she ought not to take
What is a vital part of the South’s social organization?
The relation between the two races
When did Abraham Lincoln take the oath of the presidency?
March 4, 1861
Did Lincoln see a need for secession?
No, he and his party had “no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists”
Who did Lincoln say had responsibility for peace or war?
The South
True or False: Lincoln says the South is reasonable in its apprehension regarding the Republican administration.
Does Lincoln believe that any Constitutional provision has truly been violated? If one has been, what does Lincoln say may be an appropriate response?
Yes, and he says, “I do suggest that it will be much safer for all to conform to and abide by all those acts which stand unrepealed, than to violate any of them”
What does Keynes mean when he says, “For half a century all serious economical writings held that Devil in clear prospect”?
"held that Devil" is his way of saying "held back the progressive ideas of modern society"
What does Keynes think to be the results of Germany's ever-growing population?
"This increase was only rendered possible by a far-reaching transformation of the economic structure of the country.”
What are the two “pitfalls” Keynes warns of?
“There were two pitfalls in this prospect: lest, population till outstripping accumulation, our self-denials promote not happiness but numbers; and lest the cake be after all consumed, prematurely, in war, the consumer of all such hopes."
Instead of raising taxes, how was France handling its financial crisis in 1920?
They’re expenses have been covered by loans from Great Britain and the United States
How were Freud's theories of psychoanalysis popularized?
The reason for his fame was the attention he got from treating shell-shocked patients
Upon what groups was Freud especially influential?
Intellectuals and creative artists
What conclusive remark does Johnson make regarding the nature of the modern state after and during World War I?
He says that "Thus the war demonstrated both the impressive speed with which the modern state could expand itself and the inexhaustible appetite which it thereupon developed”
What was the major shift in the early 1900s?
Shift from agricultural to industrialism
True or False: Keynes predicted a psychological shift among capitalists and laborers.
What was one of the main causes instability in the 1920s?
A increasing population that was dependent on a complicated and artificial organization
What were the three main problems in the post-war economy?
Cessation of Europe’s internal productivity, breakdown of transport and exchange, and inability of Europe to purchase supplies from overseas
True or False: The class that benefitted from German hyper-inflation later became Hitler’s scapegoats
What was Einstien’s theory called?
Theory of Relativity
Following the Reconstruction, the US begins to emerge as what?
A world power
What does Carnegie argue?
He argues wealth benefits the common good because the business owners employ everyone else
Who spoke on the issue