Compression and extension are merged into one term on this Knowt set.
simple harmonic motion
(SHM) repetitive motion of an object where its acceleration is directly proportional to its displacement (a vibration or oscillation about an equilibrium position in which a restoring force is proportional to the displacement from equilibrium)
state of balance; occurs when ∑F = 0 or net force acting on an object is zero
(T) time to complete one full cycle of motion
(A) maximum linear displacement from equilibrium position
(ℓ) distance from point of rotation to center of mass; usually with respect to pendulums
(x) length measured from fixed point to center of mass; usually with respect to elastic objects (used with rubber bands, springs, etc.)
Hooke’s Law
the distance of extension or compression (x) is directly proportional to the force applied by the string (Fs); only applies to materials not stretched beyond their limits
spring constant
(k) ratio of force to stretch; measured in N/m; applies to any elastic objects (spring, rubber band, person, hair, etc.), dependent upon shape, size, thickness, composition, etc.
elastic potential energy
energy by virtue of a spring being stretched or compressed
simple pendulum
an object (Bob) suspended from a string of length ℓ where the angle of swing θ is 15° or less
periodic motion
motion that repeats itself at regular intervals