Systemic circulation
________: used to supply oxygen and nutrients to organs and removes waste.
Lymphatic tissue
________- produces lymphocytes like b and t cells.
Cardiac cycle
________- series of events from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next; consists of a series of changes in:
________ (pressure)- allows plasma and dissolve nutrients to enter tissues.
Hepatic portal circulation
________- veins from digestive system do not directly drain to the vena cava; they drain to the liver instead; allows liver to remove items ingested before returning to the heart (e.g.
________: needed to deliver oxygen, nutrients and remove toxins.
________: comes from the volume of blood and muscle contractions.
________ valve- between left ventri and aorta; blood stays in aorta.
________- link between arterioles to venules; exchange vessels; have extremely thin walls and small diameters which allows for diffusion and filtration.
Purkinje fibers
________- signal finally arrives along the muscular walls of each ventricle.
________ (conc)- allows co2 to move from tissues to blood.
least abundant secretes
Basophils: ________ substances to help reduce blood clotting during inflammation.
________- released some cells (like basophils) to prevent the formatin of fibrin.
Circle of willis
________- arteries that supplies the brain.
________- force with which ventricular ejection occurs; stronger muscle means more forceful contraction.
Cardiac conduction
________- heart generates its own electrical impulses; these impulses give the signal for heart muscles to contract and move blood through the heart.
________ binds to hemoglobin, removes carbon dioxide.
Contractions of myocardium
________: reason why blood moves between chambers and into vessels.
________: aorta, heart arteries and medulla; gasses and pH.
________- formation of blood cells.
thoracic cavity
Heart is located in ________ in the mediastinum.
Cardiac output
________: amount of blood heart pumps in 1 minute.
Semilunar valves
________- prevents backflow from the great arteries to the ventric; ensures blood flows right direction.
________- smallest veins; collect blood from capillaries.
________ to flow results from friction of blood against walls of vessels.
Capillary beds
________- capillaries are organized into this with arterioles on one side and venules on the other.
Aortic arch
________- supply the head, neck and arms.
________- inner epithelial lining.
DEOXY blood
Right ventri- pumps ________ to lungs.
Vena cava vessels
________: carries deoxy blood to the heart from the body; empties into right atrium.
discharge blood
Heart chambers: receive and ________.
Pulmonary veins
________- carry blood to the heart to left atrium from the lungs; oxy blood.
________- smallest artery; controls blood entering organs and blood pressure.
Aorta vessels
________: carries oxy blood to every organ into body (Away from heart); leaves from the left ventri.
________: muscles and joints; physical activity.
________- amount of tension in ventri muscle BEFORE it contracts; more blood means more stretch.
Pulmonary circ
________- delivers deox blood to lungs to pick up more oxygen and expel co2.
________: allergic reactions and parasitic infections.
________ externa- outer; strong connective tissue for support and protection.
Osmosis→ colloid osmotic pressure
________: allows tissue fluid and waste into capillaries.
Blood flow
________- normal blood flow prevents enzymes from forming fibrin.
Systemic circ
________- delivers oxy blood to tissues in the whole body along w nutrients, hormones, etc.