Heart and Circulatory
Blood Functions:
transport nutrients, hormones, enzymes and other critical substances
removes waste
protects body against infections
stabilize acid-base balance
regulate body temperature
Role of Cells:
platelets (thrombocytes) - blood clotting
white blood cells (leukocytes) - protection against pathogens
red blood cells (erythrocytes) - deliver oxygen and remove carbon dioxide
Hemopoeisis- formation of blood cells
red blood cells- produces all types of blood cells
lymphatic tissue- produces lymphocytes like b and t cells
red blood cells (erythrocytes) :
oxygen binds to hemoglobin, removes carbon dioxide
mature rbc had no nucleus/no mitosis
broken down in liver and spleen into iron, bilirubin, amino acids (these are re-used)
white blood cells (leukocytes)
granulocytes :
neutrophils: most effective and abundant phagocytes
eosinophils: allergic reactions and parasitic infections
basophils: least abundant; secretes substances to help reduce blood clotting during inflammation
agranulocytes :
- lymohocytes:
→ t lymphocytes: attack infected or cancerous cells (recognized specific antigens)
→ b lymphocytes: produce antibodies against specific antigens
- monocytes:
→ turn into macrophages after entering tissue; very effective phagocytes
platelets (thrombocytes)
cell fragments involved in blood clotting (hemostasis)
stages of hemostasis:
vascular spasm: smooth muscle in blood vessel spasms; blood vessel constricts and blood flow slows
formation of platelet plug: collagen fibers cause platelets to be sticky causing them to stick with each other forming a temporary plug
formation of blood clot: proteins (clotting factors) start a chain reaction that ends in production of fibrin; soluble proteins in plasma are converted to insoluble threads-- fibrin; fibrin threads from a web at the site for protection
factors that discourage blood clots:
smooth endothelium- prevents sticking
blood flow- normal blood flow prevents enzymes from forming fibrin
anticoagulants- released some cells(like basophils) to prevent the formatin of fibrin
Blood types : rbc classified into four possible blood types
antigen- molecule that can be recognized by immune system
blood type- antigen present on person’s rbcs
antibodies- opposite of blood type/antigens
RH group
presence= +
absence= -
negative types have antibodies to RH; positive types dont
THE HEART :pumps blood through body via two routes that have distinct functions. heart is located in thoracic cavity in the mediastinum
pulmonary circ- delivers deox blood to lungs to pick up more oxygen and expel co2
systemic circ- delivers oxy blood to tissues in the whole body along w nutrients, hormones, etc.
anatomy of the heart:
pericardium- connective tissue that protects, anchor and reduces friction (serous fluid)
endocardium- inner epithelial lining
cardiac muscle - contracts heart
epicardium- outer epithelial lining
heart chambers: receive and discharge blood
atria ( 2 right and left):
→ receive blood; move blood to ventricles (thin muscle lining)
ventricles (2 right and left)
→ discharge blood; move blood to body (thick muscle lining)
two sides of the chambers:
left atrium- receives OXY blood from lungs then moves it to ventri
left ventri- pumps OXY blood to body
right atrium- receives DEOXY blood from body then moves it to ventri
right ventri- pumps DEOXY blood to lungs
heart valves
atroventricular valves (av valves)-prevents backflow from ventris to the atrium
tricuspid valve- right av valve
mitral/bicuspid valve- left av valve
semilunar valves- prevents backflow from the great arteries to the ventric; ensures blood flows right direction
pulmonary valve- between right ventri and pulmonary artery; blood stays in pulmonary artery
aortic valve- between left ventri and aorta; blood stays in aorta
vena cava vessels: carries deoxy blood to the heart from the body; empties into right atrium
superior vc- blood from upper body
inferior vc- blood form lower body
aorta vessels: carries oxy blood to every organ into body (Away from heart); leaves from the left ventri
pulmonary vessels:
pulmonary arteries- carry blood away from heart to right ventri to lungs; deoxy blood; picks up oxygen and returns via..
pulmonary veins- carry blood to the heart to left atrium from the lungs; oxy blood
heart sounds
LUB- closing of av valves ( mitral + tricuspid)
DUB- closing of semilunar valves (pulmonic + aortic)
cardiac conduction- heart generates its own electrical impulses; these impulses give the signal for heart muscles to contract and move blood through the heart
pacemaker cells- heart generates action potentials through this ; SA node begins process
Sinoatrial (SA node)- where cardiac impulses arise; located in right atrium
→ electrical impulses travelling through heart allows it to pump blood
→sa node starts the signal causes atria to contract
→ signal passes along av node - bundle of his- bundle branches- purkinje fibers ; cause ventris to contract
Bundle of fibers carry impulse to left atrium
atrioventricular (AV valve)
Bundle of His
right and left bundle branches- signal then travels to right and left branches that reach ventricle
Purkinje fibers- signal finally arrives along the muscular walls of each ventricle
electrocariogram (ecg/ekg)
traces the overall electrical activity of heart/ movement of impulses from SA node to purkinje fibers
represents numerous action potentials that occur in atria and ventircles which ultimately cause the heart muscles to contract
cardiac cycle- series of events from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next; consists of a series of changes in:
pressure- influencs heart vales
contractions of the myocardium- due to impulses; systole (contraction) and diastole (relaxation)
cardiac cycle phases
atria fill w blood; moves into ventricles
atria contract (atrial systole)
ventris contract (ventricular systole)
ventricular ejection
ventricular relaxation (ventricle diastole)
Heart: the basic principles
contractions of myocardium: reason why blood moves between chambers and into vessels
systole and diastole refers to: ventricles
conduction system (pacemaker cells): where the stimulation of the muscles to contract comes from
pressure changes in chambers and vessels: why valves open and closes
pressue: comes from the volume of blood and muscle contractions
cardiac output: amount of blood heart pumps in 1 minute
→ determined by heart rate and stroke volume
→ avg cardiac outpic = 5 to 6 litres of blood
heart rate = number of beats per minute
→ avg is 60 to 100 ; depends on fitness, age and biological sex
→ nervous system and hormones can still affect how fast the heart beats (heart rate)
medulla oblongata: cardiac center; increase or decreases heart rate depending on info from:
proprioreceptors: muscles and joints; physical activity
baroreceptors: aorta and heart arteries; blood pressure
chemoreceptors: aorta, heart arteries and medulla; gasses and pH
emotion centers in brain
stroke volume: volume blood ejected from ventricles
→ typically, 60-80% of blood in ventris is ejected
factors that affect stroke volume:
preload- amount of tension in ventri muscle BEFORE it contracts; more blood means more stretch
contractility- force with which ventricular ejection occurs; stronger muscle means more forceful contraction
afterload- forces the in the arteries the ventricles must work AGAINST in order to eject (i.e. the resistance); increase in afterload/ high bp means decreased stroke volume
vascular system
transport nutrients and oxygen
remove waste
type of blood vessels:
arteries- carry blood away from heart; usually oxygenated
→ have more smooth muscle fibers
→ strong resist pressure of the ejected blood (thicker muscle layer)
capillaries- connect smallest arteries to the smallest veins; nutrients and gas exchange occurs here
→ only has the inner layer to allow for diffusion and filtration
veins- return blood to the heart; usually deoxy
→ have valves inside
layers of blood vessels
tunica interna- inner; squamous epithelium that is smooth for easy blood flow
tunica media- middle; smooth muscle and elastic tissue for contraction (dilation/constriction)
tunica externa- outer; strong connective tissue for support and protection
conducting arteries- large and elastic; receive large volumes of blood, close to the heart
distributing arteries- muscular arteries; carry blood farther in body to organs
arterioles- smallest artery; controls blood entering organs and blood pressure
aorta- where all arteries arise (leaves left ventricle)
three regions/branches of aorta:
ascending aorta- supply the heart
aortic arch- supply the head, neck and arms
descending aorta-
→ thoracic aorta before diaphragm- supply thoracic cavity
→ abdominal aorta after diaphragm- supply the abdomen and lower extremities
arteries of the head and brain
vertebral arteries
carotid arteries
circle of willis- arteries that supplies the brain
veins: thinner walls than arteries; stretchy; have valves to prevent backflow
large veins- formed by veins coming together; close to heart
medium sized veins- elastic; move blood closer to heart
venules- smallest veins; collect blood from capillaries
principal veins: superior and inferior vena cava
veins of the head:
jugular vein
vertebral vein
hepatic portal circulation- veins from digestive system do not directly drain to the vena cava; they drain to the liver instead; allows liver to remove items ingested before returning to the heart (e.g. glucose, toxins)
→ this can be influnced by hormones
capillaries- link between arterioles to venules; exchange vessels; have extremely thin walls and small diameters which allows for diffusion and filtration
→ tissue w a high metabolic rate have large capillary beds. some tissues don’t have any capillaries (e.g. epithelial)
capillary beds- capillaries are organized into this with arterioles on one side and venules on the other
when tissues at work: precapillary sphincters open; blood flows into the capillary beds for nutrient/waste exchange
when tissues at rest: precapillary sphincters close; blood bypasses capillary beds and flows directly into venules to return to heart
two way exhchange includes: diffusion, osmosis and filtration
arterial end of capillaries
diffusion (concentration)- allows oxygen to move from blood to tissues
filtration (pressure)- allows plasma and dissolve nutrients to enter tissues
venules end of capillaries
diffusion (conc)- allows co2 to move from tissues to blood
osmosis→ colloid osmotic pressure: allows tissue fluid and waste into capillaries
colloid osmotic pressure:
→ large proteins, like albumin, cannot pass from the capillaries into the tissue with the rest of the plasma
→because fluid (the solvent) exited in the arteriole end, albumin (solute) conc becomes high in the venous end; fluid therefore moves back because of osmosis.
circulation: needed to deliver oxygen, nutrients and remove toxins
→ possible because of pressure gradients (bp) and venous return mechanisms
two circulatory routes are: pulmonary and systemic
pulmonary circulation: used to exchange oxygen and co2 in lungs
→ blood leaved from right ventri
→ travels to lungs
→ oxygen and co2 exchange by diffusion in blood capillaries/ alveoli
→ oxygenated blood returned to left atrium
systemic circulation: used to supply oxygen and nutrients to organs and removes waste
→oxygenated blood leaves from left ventricle (aorta)
→ travels throughout body
→ gas and nutrient exchange occurs in capillaries
→ deoxy blood returned to right atrium (inferior/superior vena cava)
coronary circulation: special type of systemic circulation
→ coronary arteries- supply oxygen to heart; blockage can be deadly (heart attack)
→ coronary veins- collect deoxy blood; empties/returns into right atrium
blood pressure- force exerted by blood against a vessel wall
→ measured as systolic pressure over diastolic pressure (e.g. 110/70)
→blood flow depends on bp; blood flows from high pressure to low pressure- the greater the difference, the faster the flow
factors that affects bp:
→high cardiac output→high bp
→high blood volume→high bp
→high resistance→high bp & low flow
resistance to flow results from friction of blood against walls of vessels
amount of friction depends upon:
→blood viscosity
→vessel diameter
blood viscosity: thickness of blood
→greater viscosity→slower flow
vessel diameter:
→body’s main control over resistance
→muscles in arterioles can constrict or dilate to change the diameter
→ vasodilation→lower resistance
→vasoconstriction→higher resistance
greater resistance = greater bp = slower blood flow
less space = more pressure
regulation of blood flow and pressure
autoregulation (via blood vessels):
→ tissues need more blood →vasodilation →high flow
→less blood required→vasoconstriction→low flow
neural regulation (via the medulla oblongata)
→high bp→parasympathetic impulses→vasodilation→low bp
→low bp→sympathetic impulses→vasoconstriction→high bp
regulation of blood flow and pressure
hormone regulation (via endocrine glands)
→ aldosterone → high bp
→antidiuretic hormone (adh)→high bp
→epinephrine and norepinerphrine → high bp
blood flow through veins
blood flows due to pressure gradients
blood flow back to the heart is helped by skeletal muscle pump and respiratory pump
skeletal muscle pump
→ when muscle contract around veins : this moves blood towards heart
→ when muscles relax : valves prevent blood going backwards
respiratory pump
during inhalation : pressure in the chest cavity drops compared to pressure in the abdominal cavity
→why? because breathing in creates more space in chest
blood flows from high to low pressure, so it flows from abdomen towards heart in the chest
Blood Functions:
transport nutrients, hormones, enzymes and other critical substances
removes waste
protects body against infections
stabilize acid-base balance
regulate body temperature
Role of Cells:
platelets (thrombocytes) - blood clotting
white blood cells (leukocytes) - protection against pathogens
red blood cells (erythrocytes) - deliver oxygen and remove carbon dioxide
Hemopoeisis- formation of blood cells
red blood cells- produces all types of blood cells
lymphatic tissue- produces lymphocytes like b and t cells
red blood cells (erythrocytes) :
oxygen binds to hemoglobin, removes carbon dioxide
mature rbc had no nucleus/no mitosis
broken down in liver and spleen into iron, bilirubin, amino acids (these are re-used)
white blood cells (leukocytes)
granulocytes :
neutrophils: most effective and abundant phagocytes
eosinophils: allergic reactions and parasitic infections
basophils: least abundant; secretes substances to help reduce blood clotting during inflammation
agranulocytes :
- lymohocytes:
→ t lymphocytes: attack infected or cancerous cells (recognized specific antigens)
→ b lymphocytes: produce antibodies against specific antigens
- monocytes:
→ turn into macrophages after entering tissue; very effective phagocytes
platelets (thrombocytes)
cell fragments involved in blood clotting (hemostasis)
stages of hemostasis:
vascular spasm: smooth muscle in blood vessel spasms; blood vessel constricts and blood flow slows
formation of platelet plug: collagen fibers cause platelets to be sticky causing them to stick with each other forming a temporary plug
formation of blood clot: proteins (clotting factors) start a chain reaction that ends in production of fibrin; soluble proteins in plasma are converted to insoluble threads-- fibrin; fibrin threads from a web at the site for protection
factors that discourage blood clots:
smooth endothelium- prevents sticking
blood flow- normal blood flow prevents enzymes from forming fibrin
anticoagulants- released some cells(like basophils) to prevent the formatin of fibrin
Blood types : rbc classified into four possible blood types
antigen- molecule that can be recognized by immune system
blood type- antigen present on person’s rbcs
antibodies- opposite of blood type/antigens
RH group
presence= +
absence= -
negative types have antibodies to RH; positive types dont
THE HEART :pumps blood through body via two routes that have distinct functions. heart is located in thoracic cavity in the mediastinum
pulmonary circ- delivers deox blood to lungs to pick up more oxygen and expel co2
systemic circ- delivers oxy blood to tissues in the whole body along w nutrients, hormones, etc.
anatomy of the heart:
pericardium- connective tissue that protects, anchor and reduces friction (serous fluid)
endocardium- inner epithelial lining
cardiac muscle - contracts heart
epicardium- outer epithelial lining
heart chambers: receive and discharge blood
atria ( 2 right and left):
→ receive blood; move blood to ventricles (thin muscle lining)
ventricles (2 right and left)
→ discharge blood; move blood to body (thick muscle lining)
two sides of the chambers:
left atrium- receives OXY blood from lungs then moves it to ventri
left ventri- pumps OXY blood to body
right atrium- receives DEOXY blood from body then moves it to ventri
right ventri- pumps DEOXY blood to lungs
heart valves
atroventricular valves (av valves)-prevents backflow from ventris to the atrium
tricuspid valve- right av valve
mitral/bicuspid valve- left av valve
semilunar valves- prevents backflow from the great arteries to the ventric; ensures blood flows right direction
pulmonary valve- between right ventri and pulmonary artery; blood stays in pulmonary artery
aortic valve- between left ventri and aorta; blood stays in aorta
vena cava vessels: carries deoxy blood to the heart from the body; empties into right atrium
superior vc- blood from upper body
inferior vc- blood form lower body
aorta vessels: carries oxy blood to every organ into body (Away from heart); leaves from the left ventri
pulmonary vessels:
pulmonary arteries- carry blood away from heart to right ventri to lungs; deoxy blood; picks up oxygen and returns via..
pulmonary veins- carry blood to the heart to left atrium from the lungs; oxy blood
heart sounds
LUB- closing of av valves ( mitral + tricuspid)
DUB- closing of semilunar valves (pulmonic + aortic)
cardiac conduction- heart generates its own electrical impulses; these impulses give the signal for heart muscles to contract and move blood through the heart
pacemaker cells- heart generates action potentials through this ; SA node begins process
Sinoatrial (SA node)- where cardiac impulses arise; located in right atrium
→ electrical impulses travelling through heart allows it to pump blood
→sa node starts the signal causes atria to contract
→ signal passes along av node - bundle of his- bundle branches- purkinje fibers ; cause ventris to contract
Bundle of fibers carry impulse to left atrium
atrioventricular (AV valve)
Bundle of His
right and left bundle branches- signal then travels to right and left branches that reach ventricle
Purkinje fibers- signal finally arrives along the muscular walls of each ventricle
electrocariogram (ecg/ekg)
traces the overall electrical activity of heart/ movement of impulses from SA node to purkinje fibers
represents numerous action potentials that occur in atria and ventircles which ultimately cause the heart muscles to contract
cardiac cycle- series of events from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next; consists of a series of changes in:
pressure- influencs heart vales
contractions of the myocardium- due to impulses; systole (contraction) and diastole (relaxation)
cardiac cycle phases
atria fill w blood; moves into ventricles
atria contract (atrial systole)
ventris contract (ventricular systole)
ventricular ejection
ventricular relaxation (ventricle diastole)
Heart: the basic principles
contractions of myocardium: reason why blood moves between chambers and into vessels
systole and diastole refers to: ventricles
conduction system (pacemaker cells): where the stimulation of the muscles to contract comes from
pressure changes in chambers and vessels: why valves open and closes
pressue: comes from the volume of blood and muscle contractions
cardiac output: amount of blood heart pumps in 1 minute
→ determined by heart rate and stroke volume
→ avg cardiac outpic = 5 to 6 litres of blood
heart rate = number of beats per minute
→ avg is 60 to 100 ; depends on fitness, age and biological sex
→ nervous system and hormones can still affect how fast the heart beats (heart rate)
medulla oblongata: cardiac center; increase or decreases heart rate depending on info from:
proprioreceptors: muscles and joints; physical activity
baroreceptors: aorta and heart arteries; blood pressure
chemoreceptors: aorta, heart arteries and medulla; gasses and pH
emotion centers in brain
stroke volume: volume blood ejected from ventricles
→ typically, 60-80% of blood in ventris is ejected
factors that affect stroke volume:
preload- amount of tension in ventri muscle BEFORE it contracts; more blood means more stretch
contractility- force with which ventricular ejection occurs; stronger muscle means more forceful contraction
afterload- forces the in the arteries the ventricles must work AGAINST in order to eject (i.e. the resistance); increase in afterload/ high bp means decreased stroke volume
vascular system
transport nutrients and oxygen
remove waste
type of blood vessels:
arteries- carry blood away from heart; usually oxygenated
→ have more smooth muscle fibers
→ strong resist pressure of the ejected blood (thicker muscle layer)
capillaries- connect smallest arteries to the smallest veins; nutrients and gas exchange occurs here
→ only has the inner layer to allow for diffusion and filtration
veins- return blood to the heart; usually deoxy
→ have valves inside
layers of blood vessels
tunica interna- inner; squamous epithelium that is smooth for easy blood flow
tunica media- middle; smooth muscle and elastic tissue for contraction (dilation/constriction)
tunica externa- outer; strong connective tissue for support and protection
conducting arteries- large and elastic; receive large volumes of blood, close to the heart
distributing arteries- muscular arteries; carry blood farther in body to organs
arterioles- smallest artery; controls blood entering organs and blood pressure
aorta- where all arteries arise (leaves left ventricle)
three regions/branches of aorta:
ascending aorta- supply the heart
aortic arch- supply the head, neck and arms
descending aorta-
→ thoracic aorta before diaphragm- supply thoracic cavity
→ abdominal aorta after diaphragm- supply the abdomen and lower extremities
arteries of the head and brain
vertebral arteries
carotid arteries
circle of willis- arteries that supplies the brain
veins: thinner walls than arteries; stretchy; have valves to prevent backflow
large veins- formed by veins coming together; close to heart
medium sized veins- elastic; move blood closer to heart
venules- smallest veins; collect blood from capillaries
principal veins: superior and inferior vena cava
veins of the head:
jugular vein
vertebral vein
hepatic portal circulation- veins from digestive system do not directly drain to the vena cava; they drain to the liver instead; allows liver to remove items ingested before returning to the heart (e.g. glucose, toxins)
→ this can be influnced by hormones
capillaries- link between arterioles to venules; exchange vessels; have extremely thin walls and small diameters which allows for diffusion and filtration
→ tissue w a high metabolic rate have large capillary beds. some tissues don’t have any capillaries (e.g. epithelial)
capillary beds- capillaries are organized into this with arterioles on one side and venules on the other
when tissues at work: precapillary sphincters open; blood flows into the capillary beds for nutrient/waste exchange
when tissues at rest: precapillary sphincters close; blood bypasses capillary beds and flows directly into venules to return to heart
two way exhchange includes: diffusion, osmosis and filtration
arterial end of capillaries
diffusion (concentration)- allows oxygen to move from blood to tissues
filtration (pressure)- allows plasma and dissolve nutrients to enter tissues
venules end of capillaries
diffusion (conc)- allows co2 to move from tissues to blood
osmosis→ colloid osmotic pressure: allows tissue fluid and waste into capillaries
colloid osmotic pressure:
→ large proteins, like albumin, cannot pass from the capillaries into the tissue with the rest of the plasma
→because fluid (the solvent) exited in the arteriole end, albumin (solute) conc becomes high in the venous end; fluid therefore moves back because of osmosis.
circulation: needed to deliver oxygen, nutrients and remove toxins
→ possible because of pressure gradients (bp) and venous return mechanisms
two circulatory routes are: pulmonary and systemic
pulmonary circulation: used to exchange oxygen and co2 in lungs
→ blood leaved from right ventri
→ travels to lungs
→ oxygen and co2 exchange by diffusion in blood capillaries/ alveoli
→ oxygenated blood returned to left atrium
systemic circulation: used to supply oxygen and nutrients to organs and removes waste
→oxygenated blood leaves from left ventricle (aorta)
→ travels throughout body
→ gas and nutrient exchange occurs in capillaries
→ deoxy blood returned to right atrium (inferior/superior vena cava)
coronary circulation: special type of systemic circulation
→ coronary arteries- supply oxygen to heart; blockage can be deadly (heart attack)
→ coronary veins- collect deoxy blood; empties/returns into right atrium
blood pressure- force exerted by blood against a vessel wall
→ measured as systolic pressure over diastolic pressure (e.g. 110/70)
→blood flow depends on bp; blood flows from high pressure to low pressure- the greater the difference, the faster the flow
factors that affects bp:
→high cardiac output→high bp
→high blood volume→high bp
→high resistance→high bp & low flow
resistance to flow results from friction of blood against walls of vessels
amount of friction depends upon:
→blood viscosity
→vessel diameter
blood viscosity: thickness of blood
→greater viscosity→slower flow
vessel diameter:
→body’s main control over resistance
→muscles in arterioles can constrict or dilate to change the diameter
→ vasodilation→lower resistance
→vasoconstriction→higher resistance
greater resistance = greater bp = slower blood flow
less space = more pressure
regulation of blood flow and pressure
autoregulation (via blood vessels):
→ tissues need more blood →vasodilation →high flow
→less blood required→vasoconstriction→low flow
neural regulation (via the medulla oblongata)
→high bp→parasympathetic impulses→vasodilation→low bp
→low bp→sympathetic impulses→vasoconstriction→high bp
regulation of blood flow and pressure
hormone regulation (via endocrine glands)
→ aldosterone → high bp
→antidiuretic hormone (adh)→high bp
→epinephrine and norepinerphrine → high bp
blood flow through veins
blood flows due to pressure gradients
blood flow back to the heart is helped by skeletal muscle pump and respiratory pump
skeletal muscle pump
→ when muscle contract around veins : this moves blood towards heart
→ when muscles relax : valves prevent blood going backwards
respiratory pump
during inhalation : pressure in the chest cavity drops compared to pressure in the abdominal cavity
→why? because breathing in creates more space in chest
blood flows from high to low pressure, so it flows from abdomen towards heart in the chest