usually except from federal/state/local taxation
do not expect to receive repayment or proportional benefits
lacks profit/motive
absence of transferable rights
Financial Accounting Standards Board
Businesses (for profit) organizations
non governmental not for profit
Governmental Accounting Standards Board
state and local government organizations
governmental not for profit
Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
federal governments and its agencies and department
comptroller general, director of the office of management and budgets, treasury
compare actual financial results with the legally adopted budget
assess financial condition and result s of operations
assist in determining compliance with finance related laws, rules and regulations
assist in evaluating efficiency and effectiveness
budgetary integrity
operating performance
adequacy of system and controls
making resource allocation decisions
assessing services and the ability to provide services
assessing management stewardship and performance
assessing economic resources, obligations, net resources and changes in them
managements discussion and analysis (MD&A)
government wide financial statements
fund financial statements
notes to the financial statements
required supplementary info
overview of governments net position, and changes in net position
long term view (Accrual accounting)
has expenses and goes with the flow of economic resources
more detailed financial information
short term view (annaul)
modified accrual accounting
has expenditures and goes with the flow of current financial resources
MD&A, overview of PAR, description of mission
Performance section - APR, agencies performance and progress in achieving performance goals
basic financial statements: balance sheet, statement of net cost, statement of changes in net position, statement of budgetary resources, statement of custodial activities and statement of social insurance
other accompanying info: tax burden, tax group, challenges facing management and revenue forgone
provide decision useful financial info to resource providers such as donors, members and creditors
statement of financial position (balance sheet)
statement of activities (Income statement)
Statement of cash flows
recognition in the financial statements
disclosures in the notes to the financial statements
presentation as required supplementary info or presentation as supplementary info
provide information that is essential
without RSI info can not be placed in the proper context i.e.: MD&A, budget to actual schedule, and several pension disclosures
information that is useful
not essential to understand the financial statements
protection of life and property (police/fire)
public works (streets, highways, bridges, buildings)
culture and recreation
educational and social services
general administration support (accounting)
general fund
special revenue funds
debt service funds
capital project funds
permanent funds
non spendable
10% test: total of assets, liabilities, revenue or expenses/expenditures is 10% or more of the total governmental fund
5% test: some element is 5% or more of total governmental fund AND enterprise fund
transfers into a fund and the proceeds of debt issues and sales of general government assets
doesn't meet the definition of revenues
increasing effect on fund balances i.e.: proceeds of assets sale, bind proceeds, transfer of resources
transfers of financial resources from one fund to another fund
doesn't meet definition of expenditures
decreasing effect on fund balance
i.e.: debt restructuring, transfers of resources of other funds
estimated revenues
estimated other financing sources
estimated other financing uses
ad valorem property taxes
tax levy processes
special assessments
intergovernmental revenues
charges for services
fines and forfeits
sales tax
interest and penalties
misc. revenues