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What is Access Control

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What is Access Control

Ensures that resources are only granted to those users who are entitled to them

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What is Encryption

The process of converting plaintext data into an unreadable format (ciphertext) to prevent unauthorized access.

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What is Decryption

The process of converting ciphertext back into its original format (plaintext).

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What is Authentication

The process of verifying the identity of a user, device or system.

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What is a threat in computer security?

An action or event that might compromise security.

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What are some basic problems and concerns involving cryptographic systems?

Weak encryption, improper key management, inadequate randomness, inadequate authentication.

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What is Plaintext?

The original, readable message that is input into the encryption process.

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What is Ciphertext?

The scrambled, unreadable message that results from the encryption process.

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What is a Cipher?

The algorithm used for transforming plaintext to ciphertext.

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What are the pros of classical cryptographic techniques?

Simple, can be done manually, protect plaintext f4rom casual snooping.

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What are the cons of classical cryptographic technique?

Limited security, vulnerable to frequency analysis and brut-force attacks, challenging key management.

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How does the Caesar Cipher work?

By shifting the letters in the plaintext message by a certain number of positions, known as the “shift” or “key”.

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What is Symmetric Encryption?

A form of cryptosystem in which encryption and decryption are performed using the same key.

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Compare Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography

Symmetric uses a single key for encryption and decryption; asymmetric uses a pair of keys (public and private).

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What are Hash Functions?

Algorithms that calculate a fixed length hash value form plaintext, making it impossible to recover the contents of the plaintext.

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What was the first recorded use of cryptography for correspondence?

The Spartans’ use of the scytale.

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What is the Enigma machine?

A cipher device used extensively by Nazi Germany during World War II to protect communication.

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What is the Hebern cipher machine?

A typewriter-like device with 26 letters that light up, scrambling the electrical signal between the letters of the keyboard and the light panel.

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What can lead to a break in good encryption schemes?

Using weak algorithms, improper key management, using vulnerable algorithms, and incorrect implementation of strong algorithms.

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What is divisibility in mathematics?

If a and b are integers, with a not equaling 0, a divides b if there exists an integer q such that b = a q.

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What is Modular Arithmetic?

A system of arithmetic for integers, where numbers wrap around upon reaching a certain value, called the modulus.

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How do you apply the Euclidean Algorithm to find the GCD?

Using repeated division: GCD (A,B) = GCD (B,R) where R is the remainder when A is divided by B.

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What is a prime number?

A natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself.

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What is Euler’s Totient Function?

The number of positive integers less than or equal to a given integer that are relatively prime to it.

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What are Stream Ciphers?

They encrypt plaintext one bit or byte at a time, suitable for varying data lengths and fast encryption/decryption.

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What are Block Ciphers?

They encrypt data in fixed-size blocks, allowing for secure decryption, and has similar encryption and decryption operations.

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Why is a Feistel cipher superior to a full permutation block cipher?

It is guaranteed to be invertible, allowing for secure decryption, and has similar encryption and decryption operations.

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What are the parts of a Feistel cipher that give it security?

Round function, invertibility, and key schedule.

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How does the Data Encryption Standard (DES) work?

Through initial permutation, 16 rounds of processing, and a final permutation, incorporating substitution and transposition.

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What is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)?

A block cipher that encrypts data in 128-bit blocks using key lengths of 128, 192, or 256 bits.

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What is Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode?

A block cipher mode that directly encrypts each block of input plaintext into blocks of encrypted ciphertext.

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What is Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode?

An advancement on ECB where the previous cipher block is XORed with the next plaintext block before encryption.

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What is a meet-in-the-middle attack?

A cryptanalytic attack that divides the key space into two parts and encrypts plaintext while decrypting ciphertext to find a match.

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What is the difference between TRNGs, PRNGs, and CSPRNGs?

TRNGs generate numbers from physical processes, PRNGs use deterministic algorithms, and CSPRNGs are secure PRNGs suitable for cryptography.

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What is Symmetric Key Encryption?

It uses the same key for both encryption and decryption.

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What is Public Key Encryption?

It uses a pair of keys, a public key and a private key, for encryption and decryption.

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How does RSA encryption work?

One party generates a key pair, uses the public key for encryption, and the private key for decryption.

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How does Diffie-Hellman key exchange work?

Both parties exchange public key information to arrive at a shared secret key.

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What is Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC)?

A public-key cryptography approach based on the algebraic structure of elliptic curves over finite fields.

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What are has functions used for?

To ensure data integrity, generate checksums, and create secure hash algorithms in cryptographic applications.

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What is a cryptographic hash function?

A transformation that takes an input and returns a fixed-sizing string of bytes unique to each unique input.

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What properties should a good cryptographic hash function have?

Preimiage resistance, second preimage resistance resistance, and collision resistance.

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What is a hash function collision?

When two different inputs result in the same output.

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What are some good hashing algorithms?

SHA-256 and SHA-3

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What is a Message Authentication Code (MAC)?

A code used to authenticate the origin and integrity of a message.

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What are Digital Signatures

Digital signatures ensure the authenticity and integrity of a message, software, or digital document.

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How do you verify a digital signature?

By decrypting the signature with the sender’s public key and comparing it to the hash of the received message.

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What is Public Key Infrastructure (PIK)?

A system for creation, storage, distribution, and revocation of digital certificates.

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What is a Certificate Authority (CA)?

An entity that issues digital certificates for use by other parties.

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How are keys managed in cryptographic systems?

Through generation, distribution, storage, and destruction, with secure protocols.

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What is a Bitcoin Block?

A file where data related to transactions are permanently recorded.

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What sets the limit on the size of the Bitcoin block?


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What is included in the Block Header of a Bitcoin block?

Version, Previous Block Hash, Merkle Root, Timestamp, Difficulty, Target, Nonce, and Transaction Counter.

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What is the Previous Block Hash?

An encrypted number of previous block’s header.

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What is the Merkle root?

An encrypted number of transactions in the Merkle tree of the current block.

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What does the Timestamp in a Bitcoin block signify?

It places the block in the blockchain.

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What is the Difficulty Target in a Bitcoin block?

The difficulty rating of the target encrypted number, signifying the difficulty in generating an encrypted number that is equal to or less than target.

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What is the Nonce in a Bitcoin block?

A number that the miner increases incrementally when encrypting.

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What is the Transaction Counter in a Bitcoin block?

A field that lists the number of transactions stored in the block.

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What are Transactions in a Bitcoin block?

A list of all the transactions within a block.

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What is Bitcoin mining?

The process by which transactions are officially entered on the blockchain.

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What are the steps involved in Bitcoin mining?

Transaction Verification, Hashing, Finding the Hash, Block Addition.

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What happens during Transaction Verification in Bitcoin mining?

When a transaction is made between wallets, the addresses and amount are entered into a block on the blockchain.

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What is Hashing in Bitcoin mining?

The block is assigned some information, and all of the data in the block is put through cryptographic algorithm.

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What is Finding the Hash in Bitcoin mining?

Miners compete to find a hash that is equal to or less than a number set by the Bitcoin network’s difficulty algorithm.

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What happens during Block Addition in Bitcoin mining?

The first miner to find the solution to the problem receives bitcoins as a reward, and the process begins again.

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What do miners need for Bitcoin mining?

Substantial hardware and software, such as GPU or an ASIC.

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