To depart; the action of leaving a particular location, typically by vehicle, such as trains, buses, or planes.
die Abfahrt(en)
The departure(s); refers to the specific moment in time when a vehicle, such as a train or bus, leaves a station or stop.
To stamp; the process of marking a ticket or document with an official stamp to confirm that it is valid for use.
die Ankunft(‘‘-e)
The arrival(s); the act of reaching a specified destination, often used in the context of transport.
To print; the act of producing a hard copy of a document, typically using a printer.
To get off; the action of exiting a vehicle (like a bus, train, or car) upon reaching a designated stop.
sich befinden
To be located; describes the physical position or situation of an object, person, or place.
To last; refers to the duration of an event, situation, or condition over time.
die Einzelfahrkarte(n)
The single ticket(s); a transportation ticket valid for one journey on public transport.
To validate; the process of marking a ticket or document to indicate that it has been used and is no longer valid for further travel.
To receive sth; to be given or handed something, such as a document, package, or information.
To reach sth; to arrive at a specific destination or achieve a particular goal.
der Fahrplan(‘‘-e)
The timetable(s); a schedule that details the specific times for departures and arrivals of various modes of transport.
der Flughafen(‘‘)
The airport(s); a facility designed for the takeoff and landing of aircraft, with associated services for passengers.
die Fußgängerzone(n)
The pedestrian zone(s); areas reserved exclusively for pedestrian traffic, prohibiting vehicle access.
das Gepäckschließfach(‘‘-er)
The luggage locker(s); secure storage units typically found in transport terminals for storing personal belongings temporarily.
Valid; indicates that a ticket or document is currently recognized as acceptable for use.
der Koffer(-)
The suitcase(s); a large, often rectangular container designed for carrying clothes and personal items during travel.
die Kurzstrecke(n)
The short distance(s); refers to travel that occurs over a brief span, especially within local transport systems.
die Nahverkehrszone(n)
The local traffic zone(s); areas that are served by public transportation, typically covering a regional scope.
die Reise(n)
The journey(s); the act of traveling from one location to another, often implying a more extended distance.
die Richtung(en)
The direction(s); pertains to the orientation or course along which something moves or points.
die Rückfahrkarte(n)
The return ticket(s); a ticket that permits travel back to the original point of departure.
rund um die Uhr
Round the clock; indicates services that are available continuously or at all times without interruption.
der Schalter(-)
The counter(s); designated places where services are provided, often found in transport stations for ticketing or information.
To change; the process of transferring from one vehicle or mode of transport to another during a journey.
On the way; describes the state of being in transit between two locations.
die Verspätung(en)
The delay(s); instances when an anticipated event, such as a departure or arrival, occurs later than scheduled.
der Zeitungskiosk(e)
The newsstand(s); small retail outlets where newspapers, magazines, and sometimes snacks are sold.